Sunday, July 31, 2005

~~~~~Busy Day Today!!!~~~~~

Today nothing really happened much actually... We went to Aloha Loyang after church this morning to view where we would be staying cause we would be organizing a birthday party for my dearest sister... My only sister to be exact but anyways, we walked from Downtown East Resort to Aloha Loyang... We walked through the park obviously as we wanted to know how far it would be to reach both destinations... I must say, I think it's a 10 minute walk through the park... Not that long actually...

Well... that's all folks... that's my day today... pretty boring right?? cause I had to come home early to finish off my MFDI Newsletter Header so that's why we didn't exactly shopped around... so cya soon alright folks.... I wanna hit the sack now... bye....... ciao......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... Take Care U'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and my fellow readers out there somewhere... signing out*:)....

Saturday, July 30, 2005

~~~~~Great Racing!!~~~~~

Yesterday after school, I went to Century Square to play Outrun 2 with Melvyn, Terence Chung and my homies, Jeremy and Terence Hong... I was actually suppose to meet them there at 2:30pm but in the end, I arrived at almost 3pm cause I had guitar CCA earlier so I had to place my guitar at my grandparents' place and changed as well... But anyways, the game is on... Team Jackass versus Melvyn and Terence Chung... It was a tough battle but Team Jackass came out with victory in our hands... muahahaha... The results were: Team Jackass, 3 races won... and Melvyn and Terence Chung, 1 race won... Actually I really thought I lost touch but in the end when I versus Melvyn and Terence Chung alone, I managed to gain a close victory due to Melvyn's accidental crash... But no matter what, Team Jackass still came out top... TEAM JACKASS RuLeZ!!!

Nothing really happened much today actually... I had to be a student helper for the Parent-Teacher Meeting today... Got nothing much to say about it as I had listened to the speech two months ago if I'm not mistaken... I didn't go for Maths lesson this morning again, *shit*, as I overslept and had a bad running nose last night too... But being student helper today made me realised something and that was, I should work even harder than ever before as there are more competitors around me now... So I got to beat the best, to be the best...

Well... gtg now folks... catch u'all next time right here alright... so cya soon all of u... bye for now.... ciao.......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... NiTeZz to all my real homies and everyone out there somewhere visiting my blog... ThAnK yOu FoR vIsItInG!! u can go do your other stuffs now... cause I'm.... signing out*:)....

Thursday, July 28, 2005


It's been a while since I last blogged as I have lots of studying and assignments to do so no time to blog... Been tired out today as last night I stayed up until 3am to finish off my Multimedia Fundamentals and Digital Imaging assignment, which is a storyboard... I had to design 6 frames and colour them too... So I think after The OC, I'm gonna sleep very soon after that... But at least I managed to finish it and I'm free now... Tomorrow I'll get cracking on designing the Masterhead for the magazine, which is my MFDI project...

So folks, I gtg now... wanna hit the sack and wake up early for school tomorrow which is at 8am...... bye....... ciao....... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... Take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere..... signing out*:)....

Monday, July 25, 2005


It's been quite a while since I last blog why?? Cause today I had an EES class test so I studied hard during the weekends... Wow... After all that studying really paid off as I'm very confident that I'll pass the test with flying colours... I would really like to THANK YOU LORD as you were the one who gave me the strength to resist all the temptations that I had overcome... So Thank You LORD!!! After reading my previous post, I feel quite bored if nobody makes fun of me as I'm already so used to their lame jokes... So dudes, bring it on... LoL!! But if it gets serious, I'll still be pissed off alright so watch your words...

Well... gtg now... wanna jam on my guitar so cya soon.... bye... ciao......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere... signing out*:)...

Friday, July 22, 2005

~~~~~Jokes or Teases??~~~~~

Today was a very short day in school as our Communication Skills teacher has quit the school... Why?? don't ask me... I don't understand why would he quit?? He is such a good and a great teacher towards us... Well anyways, that is something we won't know... So since our teacher wasn't there already, there was a replacement teacher but she didn't want to teach us as there were only 17 students, including me... So we had 2 hours break before the next lesson starts, which is CARE... Sometimes you know, I wonder whether my friends are just joking around with me or most of the time teasing and embarrassing me in front of the teacher and my other classmates... I don't mind being made fun of but everyone has their own limits... Mine is high for your information but if one fine day I totally can't take it anymore, that's the time when you'll see my black face the whole entire day or even week... Jokes I don't mind but being made fun of everyday, is a different story... So all of you better watch out especially those who "suan" me every minute, every hour, everyday...

Well... gtg now folks... c you'all next time... bye... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight...... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere far far away........ signing out*:)....

Thursday, July 21, 2005


The reason why I didn't blog last night as I was busy doing my EES homework... I wanted to learn from the worksheets Mr Dino gave to us... In order to learn, you would need to do it first... Agreed??... Well anyways, I wanted to learn more so I did it anyways... Today was a short day, so I thought... I know that today ended at 5pm and on top of that , I had guitar CCA after that till 7pm but I still feel like normal... Maybe my body is used to all these late nights... I haven't been dreaming properly for a very long time... I mean my dreams were broken ones... I can't even remember what I was dreaming when I woke up in the morning... Oh ya... Today Mrs Josephine Cheong, my MFD teacher, gave us advice on how to design our upcoming newletter that we all suppose to design... She even taught us on what exactly we're suppose to put in but we can use a different idea if we got any but I rather use her advice to start off first before maybe upgrading it...

Well... that's all folks... you can relax now... cause I'm hitting the sack soon... so cya soon dudes and dudets...... ciao...... bye.......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere faraway...muahahaha........ signing out*:).....

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

~~~~~What a lame joke this is??~~~~~

Sometimes when a certain days of our lives, we are being made fun of such as teasing one another but hopefully this joke is gonna stop... Well... I shall not say that anymore so I'm gonna blog about other things... Been doing great today... I thought my class starts at 11am so I rushed out of the house and ran to the Tampines Interchange and reached there around 10:55am... Then I asked my friend there whether we're gonna be late then he reminded me that today's class starts at 11:30am not 11am... hmm... so I actually rushed for no reason but at least I'm early for class... At first I didn't notice that my watch had no battery, the one Jeremy broke, so I was wearing it until my friend noticed that my watch didn't even display anything... Straight after school I went to Vincent Watch to fix my watch then Ricky and I went to The Wallet Shop to check out the latest designs... hmm... I actually forgot that there was a shop called The Wallet Shop in TM...

Well... gtg now.... wanna hit the sack soon... so cya soon.... bye.... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... signing out*:)....

Monday, July 18, 2005

~!~!~Doing Homework~!~!~

I can't believe it that I still haven't finish up my homework... I'm just taking a one minute break to blog this before proceeding on with my homework.... I better get my homework done before it's time for me to hit the sack... Today nothing really happen much though... No PE today as they were having sports day so went home early to watch Jackie Chan Adventures on Kids Central, since I was eating lunch at that time and had nothing to do so I decided to watch cartoons.... I'm a bit happy today as not many teased me about that gal so at least my ears are not that tired out listening to that...

Well... I better try to finish off my homework before going to bed... so gtg now dudes and dudets... cya soon... bye...... ciao......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight....... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere....... signing out*:)....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

~~~~~I Can't believe it~~~~~

I did it again last night... went straight to bed at 11pm without even switching on my computer... I was so tired yesterday... went to school in the morning for Maths class then in the evening I went to the gym with my mum... But it was a nice sleep as I had alot late nights during the weekdays due to homework and studying... so I shouldn't complain at all... Today I helped out my mum and sis to take care of their children in the Sunday Class... brought the small boys to the gents then I had to carry them to wash their hands as the sink was obviously too high for them to reach... Then just now I went riding on my bicycle with my dad to sunplaza park... from my house to there and then back again... great exercise today...

Well... gtg now folks... wanna take my dinner now.... cya soon alright... bye.... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... signing out*:).....

Friday, July 15, 2005


The reason why I didn't blog last night cause I was putting up the final touches of my Communication Skills speech presentation but in the end, there wasn't any... Not only that... today only 12 students turned up for the lesson, including me of course... I was totally shocked when our teacher left the class as after 30 seconds, the whole class were filled up... more than 30 of us... hmm... just feeling sad that I didn't get to present today...*sigh*... Oh ya... also forgot to add on that today after school I went out with my homies to eat KFC and then went to Tampines Mall, Century Square and then Challenger... and Jeremy...I just wanna say this to you, "you lucky dawg that it could be fixed or else you have to buy for me a new watch".... And this goes out to those jokers reading my blog... I treat you know who as a "FRIEND" only alright and nothing more... if you still think that we can develop a relationship after that, that's done of your business alright but for now I'm not interested in finding a girlfriend yet so stop giving stupid remarks alright...

Well...that's all I'm gonna write tonight... feel like jamming on my guitar... gtg now folks... cya soon dudes and dudets... bye... ciao............ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........... take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... signing out*:)......

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

~~~~~Gonna get into the stress mode forever~~~~~

Wow... I just completed my EES homework... All of the 40 questions in it... it only took me almost 2 hours to finish it up... hmm... been having lots of school work and homework to do now... more than the first semester... I somehow get a feeling that each day passes very fast like once I open my eyes, I go to school... Then once I close my eyes, next day go to school again... What I'm trying to say that it's better to make use of my spare time studying instead of doing other stuffs but since I'm gonna sleep soon, I need to relax first before going to sleep so that's why I'm blogging right now.... I like the stress I'm having now cause it feels that the old Jonathan is back and hyped up to be what he was in Secondary School days... This is what I want... THE STRESS!!! muahahahaha......

Well gtg now... wanna have sweet dreams soon so I'm going now.... cya soon... bye... ciao........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight.......... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere...... signing out*:).....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

~~~~~Haven't been blogging~~~~~

Wow... it's been 3 days sice I last blogged... Well... I'm finally back with brand new posts and exciting ones I hope so stay in tune folks... It's gonna be different I hope but tonight I ain't gonna write too long as I still got some homework to do so I'm gonna start with brand new exciting posts next week I hope but for now... I feel great blogging once again...

Well... gtg now... got no choice... eyes going down and my system is going into off mode... so cya soon.... bye.... ciao............. so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there.... signing out*:)....

Friday, July 08, 2005

~~~~~~~~Great movie but too short~~~~~~~~

Today after school, my homies and I went to watch Fantastic Four the movie... I'm sad to say that one of my homies almost got left out as he was late but since he's our homie, one of us had to stay outside the cinema and wait for his arrival... Anyways, back to the movie... The movie was action-packed and had a mix of emotions too... Johnny Storm (a.k.a: Human Torch) was hot... Yes... I really mean it, he was hot as he had the power to bend the rules of the flames he set up and he can shoot out fire with his finger tips... Susan Storm (a.k.a: Invisible Woman) was also Hot!! not only that she's so damn beautiful but she can become invisible at her own free will but if she's not wearing the special Fantastic Four suit, she had to stripe down all the way... Really, I mean totally all the way!!! Alright before you get any wild ideas, let me change character... Ben Grimm (a.k.a: The Thing) was the strongest one among all four of them... he's like the Hulk but every part of his body is made out of solid rocks... and lastly but not least, Reed Richards (a.k.a: Mr. Fantastic)... he was the leader of the Fantastic Four as firstly, he was the smartest among all of them and he can stretch his entire body like rubber and that's CooL!!!... Well... overall I enjoyed the movie but it should have been made a bit longer like another hour or so then things would be more interesting... Oh well, hopefully there's a Fantastic Four II which would be more exciting and interesting...

Well... got to go now... wanna head to bed now as tomorrow I have to go back to school for Maths remedial at 9am - 12pm... so cya soon... bye... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there... signing out*:) ...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

~+~+~+~+~Another Long Day~+~+~+~+~

I'm happy to say that finally Fantastic Four the movie is out... I'll be watching it tomorrow with my homies since today I had guitar CCA so they didn't wanted to ditch me so, that's why we'll be watching it tomorrow instead of today... Now I'm watching The OC... So I ain't gonna type as much as before as the show had already started and now it's showing it's commercials... to go now... the commercials had ended and time for me to lie back down and watch my show... muahahaha.... cya soon... bye............ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... ciao... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there... signing out*:)...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

~~~~~~Been trying hard to be good~~~~~~

After chatting to so many people, I realised something... Why is almost everyone different?? I know that everyone changes including me, no doubt about it but I mean that even my closest friends are behaving differently... Although we seldom get a chance to talk face-to-face but we still keep in contact with each other... I feel that after giving people advices on msn and face-to-face I realised that why am I doing this?? People might say that I'm a busybody but that's how I'm like... I share my friends problems too which leads me to one thing... Who's gonna share my problems?? Only my family and the Lord.... Each time I wanna tell any of my pals my problems, I can see that they feel bored listening to it... So what's the point?? They seldom will remember and I know me myself also can't remember my homies problems but at least I tried giving my best advice... Lord... tell me Lord... What am I really doing?? Why am I helping others when I got only YOU by my side always when I'm walking alone??? Well... maybe that's my personality... Some of you may find this not true but you ain't me... Oh wells... enough of that... I'm just glad that London got to host the 2012 Olympics just as I predicted... I find that Paris was also a very strong opponent but in the end London got it's honour in hosting the 2012 Olympics... Congrats London... you all prayed and worked hard to make it this far and you all deserved this great honour...

Oh...look at the time... got to go now cause I wanna sleep now... long day tomorrow cause I'll be having my guitar CCA tomorrow... so cya soon... bye... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there.... signing out*:)...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

~!~!~!~!~Feeling Strange~!~!~!~!~

Today I was feeling strange but somehow I can't really explain it in detail... When I woke up this morning, I felt as if that this day was like a playback, you noe like as if you have gone through this day before... hmm... quite an interesting day it turned out to be today though... It was almost exactly the same as I dreamt of this morning before I woke up...

Well... gtg now... although tomorrow I'll be starting at 1pm to 6pm, I still need to sleep early cause I need my sleep... and this goes out to Jeremy Ong... Are you mad or what?? called me so late at night, no no no...let me rephrase that... called me so damn early in the morning... I don't wanna hear your voice so early in the morning before I go to sleep alright... muahahaha... just kidding dawg... peace dawg..... so cya soon u'all... bye... ciao...... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there somewhere... signing out*:) ....

Monday, July 04, 2005

~HoW cOuLd I sAy ThAt AbOuT mY boDy??~

My body 2day was in tip top shape again... I'm so surprised actually as I thought that when I went to school this morning, I would still have my diarrhoea but I can even attend my PE lesson... I ran 2 rounds around the track and I didn't even walk... I'm so happy as I thought that my body couldn't take the pain after 1 round but, I was wrong... I could even play soccer with Randy and Ricky... We took turns to take penalty shoot outs... Have you ever heard a commentator taking the shots and commenting at the same time?? Well, I have and you're looking at him rite now... ya... It's me alright... LoL!!... I was playing and commenting on myself, Randy and Ricky... They kept laughing and even me myself kept laughing while I was commenting as I was talking full of trash... LoL!!

Oh wells...everything comes to an end and so is my day... well... gtg now...time to head to now... catch u'all later... bye... cya soon........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight.......... ciao... take care u'all... peace dudes and dudets... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there... signing out:)...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

~~~~~~Could my body get any worst??~~~~~~

I'm so upset this morning as I didn't get a chance to go to church as I had a very bad diarrhoea... I woke up at around 4am and did my business until 5:30am... I feel so weak after that... The worst thing was that after doing my business for 1 hour and 30 minutes, I still had to run back into the toilet when I was preparing to go to bed... When I woke up at around 8am to get ready to go to church, I had to visit the toilet to shit again... My mum can see how weak I was so she decided that we shall not go to church this Sunday... But someone had to teach her class so, my sis went to church alone to teach the small kids but she had to combine with another Sunday School class as she cannot single-handedly control all 15 of them... Back at home, my mum gave me a tablet to eat which would cure my diarrhoea and it did... Wow... I felt really good after a few hours as I could start eating my breakfast but I was feeling very sleepy after that due to the effect of the tablet... Another day wasted due to my diarrhoea... hmm... I'm feeling sad and sleepy now... at least I feel a bit recharged as I was very busy yesterday...

Oh well...gtg now folks... I've got school 2mr so wanna sleep early... so cya soon... bye.......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... ciao... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers... signing out*:)...

Saturday, July 02, 2005

!!!!!!Felt Tired 2day!!!!!

2day I ain't gonna write much as 2day I didn't do anything much except not going to the gym and to my granparents' place y?? cause after Maths class this morning, I went to eat lunch wif my mum then came home to take a short nap after my quick shower... We actually wanted to go to the gym in the evening but my nap in the end turned out to be a long nap... hmm... so sad that 2day I didn't manage to wake up to go to the gym...

Well gtg now folks... wanna go to bed now as 2mr I hv to wake up for church... so cya soon... bye......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ ciao... take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers... signing out*:)...

Friday, July 01, 2005

--------Felt lousy 2day--------

2day I went to school for only 1 hour as 2day was our second session of CARE... hmm... didn't do anything much during the lesson actually... We were suppose to group ourselves in groups of 5 and discussed on how an occupation, a doctor, a commando, a technician, an accountant and a cook, on how to get ourselves out of the jungle... Each of us chose one no no...let me rephrase that... Each of us were suppose to choose one occupation but our teacher said that we were allowed to choose maximum of 2 occupations one of my group members decided to take up the position of being a technician and an accountant... I took up an occupation on being a doctor... It was a test on our creativity on how we were suppose to get out of the jungle safe and sound... It was quite interesting actually listening to the ideas my classmates gave... Oh ya... 4got to add on... I feel that if u're my real homie, friend, u won't even insult me on my hair and how obedient I am... ya... u noe who u r alright, classmate... For ur information, u're not my parents... U hv no right to tell me wat style suits me pal... if I find that I look good on the inside, that's all I need alright... as long I noe that my parents and the Lord loves the way I am, I don't care what u think... So I got one thing to say to u... MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!! My real homies will never insult me cause they noe me for 5 years and they noe how I am like unlike u pal... least I managed to get that off my felt so good writing out those feelings... gtg now anyways... cya soon... bye... ciao........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ take care u'all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers... signing out*:)....