Wednesday, August 31, 2005

~~~~~EnErGy DrAiNeD~~~~~

YES!!! Finally I can get up to switch on my computer... I was on MC for yesterday and today... I didn't even wake up yesterday until early afternoon, although I woke up quite early in the morning to eat my medicine, as I felt really weak and sleepy due to my gastric flu... You should see how I looked like on Monday... I was like a walking zombie walking around the campus... I thought that I would be alright on Monday but I guessed I was wrong; it got whole lot worse... I didn't expect my illness to be so "extreme"... I thought I only had a bit of giddiness and should be alright after a while but when I reached school on Monday, I ran straight to the toilet to puke and then the whole tiredness began... I regretted going to school on Monday... It was a stupid thing to do as I knew I wasn't well yet but yet I still went to school and punished my entire body for nothing... For your information, I didn't even get out of bed yesterday except to eat my medications and food but I didn't even do anything else but recuperate on my bed...

Today my mother decided to take urgent leave as she wanted me to sleep more, rest more to be exact... And it really worked... I woke up at around 12pm feeling better but each time I eat my medications, I feel sleepy and weak so I rested in my bed again each time I eat them... But look at me now... I can even sit down for a few minutes to post my blog so that you all would not worry about my condition... I'm getting better each time I rest and eat my medications so don't you worry alright... I would also like to thank the Lord for giving me the strength to fight the illness out of my system each time I rest and eat my medications but, I still know that I need to finish up my medications in order to be cured fully so Lord, THANK YOU!!!

Forgot to add in... I missed the Teacher's Day celebrations at my secondary school as like I said, I don't even have the strength to move around so much so, I didn't visit my secondary school teachers sadly...*sigh*... But I still did wished my SHSS form teacher, Mrs McGrath through sms... I'm sick but that doesn't mean that I paralyzed right!! So Mrs McGrath, HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!! You're the best teacher I, I mean we ever had... We will never forget your faithfulness and your loving care towards all of us, and me... You ROCK Mrs McGrath!!!:)

Well... have to go now and take my last medicine before hitting the sack... so bye for now... ciao.... cya soon folks.......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ TaKe CaRe you all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere reading my posts and visiting my blog... This is Jonathan... signing out*:) ...

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Today I was feeling better all of a sudden... Yesterday I was like a drunken man but this morning I was not giddy anymore, so I thought... I believe that the Lord gave me the strength today so that I can go into His house and worship Him freely this morning... After that wonderful praise and worship with the Almighty Father, my mother insisted that I should go to the doctor to check what's wrong with my head but only to find out that the doctor wasn't in... So my mother decided to purchase the flu medicine, from the same clinic, that I had been taking these past few days as I had already finished taking them... I really felt better after taking the flu medicine and a panadol...

Well... have to hit the sack soon as tomorrow school is reopening and I want to wake up early... so cya soon you all... bye for now... ciao............ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........... TaKe CaRe you all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere reading these posts on my blog... Visit this blogsite again same time, same place tomorrow for more life stories... but for now, this is Jonathan.... signing out*:)....

Saturday, August 27, 2005

~~~~~MiSs ThE jAmMiNg DaYs~~~~~

Yesterday I went with my homies, Jeremy, George and Caylynn to Potong Pasir to Jam... It has been a long time since we met up to Jam especially Caylynn as she is studying in a MDIS period... But anyways, we managed to play a few songs until the electric guitar I was using spoiled... Don't blame me for that alright, it was already half-spoiled when I was playing it half-way through all the songs we Jammed on... But I really had a good time you all... Thanks for asking me out to Jam with you all... After Jamming, Caylynn went back home and there were only two of us left, Jeremy and I... George left earlier with Gang Yuan as they wanted to buy a router at Sim Lim... So Jeremy and I went to City Hall to buy guitar strings... Whoa!!! I didn't know that their guitar strings there are not only good but cheap... Then after that we went to Challenger in Funan The IT Mall... We played Xbox games for one whole hour... After that we went to a Fujitsu store there and we saw one of my friend who was there, trying to make a sale of a laptop to a tourist... She is now currently working there as she got an internship at IBM and they post her there to work... She gets paid too... She was surprised to see us there but the sad thing was that I didn't even get a chance to talk to her as she was busy making sales... Well, that's the end of my day yesterday...

Today, I woke up with a giddy spell... I was so giddy when I woke up like I was drunk... I vommitted twice due to that... But I felt better when I showered in cold water for one hour... I managed to change my guitar strings after I took my shower... I took almost three hours to change them as I didn't want the giddy spell to come back... I took a break each time I change a string... So that took me a while but with my strong determination, I achieved my goal in changing all my guitar strings...

Well, I have to go now... I want to chill out on my guitar since I took such a long time to change them... so cya soon yo... bye for now...... ciao........... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... TaKe CaRe you all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere reading my posts and visiting my blog...... Visit this blogsite same time, same place for more life stories tomorrow but for now... This is Jonathan........ signing out*:) ....

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

~~~~~FeeLinG bEttER I gUEss~~~~~

Today I had to report to Dunman Secondary School for my O Level English Oral Examination... I reached there around 1:30 pm as I didn't want to get caught in the rain but I regretted going so early as, they allowed us to go into the Examination Hall at around 2:30pm... So what was I doing for one hour?? I was just walking around the school but not the whole school though... I was actually walking around the second storey, near the Examination Hall, as I wanted to be the first one to go in but it made no difference as I found out that I was the third last person in my group... *sigh*... But anyways, I believe that I can pass the English Oral Examination with flying colours as I tried my very best to talk as per normal as from my previous post, I wrote that I was having a flu and a very bad cough so I had to really endure the pain in my throat... Well, at least it's finally over but not just yet as this is the first paper I took... The next one would be the Mathematics Paper One which is around the November period thus, giving me lots of time to practice before sitting for the paper...

Well, I got to hit the sack now as I just took my medicine and I'm really very sleepy now... so cya soon folks... bye.... ciao............. so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight.......... TaKe CaRe you all... NiTeZz to all my real homies and anyone out there somewhere visiting my blogsite... Visit this blogsite tomorrow for more daily activities that I'm gonna have... but for now.... this is Jonathan.... signing out*:)....

Monday, August 22, 2005

~~~~~TiReD aNd SiCk~~~~~

It's been about a week since I last updated... Hopefully I remembered what has happened these past few days... I had a cold last week and I really thought that I was alright already but I was wrong... It got worse... It developed into a very bad FLU... Here I am coughing and sneezing in front of my computer... *yucks... saliva on my computer*... Now we're having a one week break but I am not even enjoying it one bit... I had been lying in bed almost the whole day today, more than twelve hours I'm sure of it...

But anyways sick or not sick I still needed to go to church yesterday as I wanted to worship The Almighty Father, Jesus... I've committed a lot of sins everyday and I need YOU to forgive me Father... Lord, please cure me from this illness I'm suffering from right now... Give me the strength to fight all the germs out of my body... I need YOU Lord, I need YOU!!! After church's service, I needed to see the doctor to give me some medications for my flu so; my mother and sister followed me there

My mother, sister and I decided to go to Tampines Mall to eat Pastamania... It's been months since we last ate there... Soon after that, we went to watch "Must Love Dogs" at Century Square... Although my mother and I were sick, we still went to watch that movie as we find the trailer interesting and it was... The movie was a romantic, comedy type of movie... Their jokes were very funny as they made up lots of different words for that particular word... It was very funny once you get their jokes but if you don't get it, no worries alright... The storyline was interesting as well... I can't write a summary here as I want you to go out and watch it... It'll be more interesting if you went to watch it instead of reading the reviews...

Well, got to go now... Need to hit the sack right away as my medications are making me drowzy... So cya everyone... ciao... bye............. so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and anyone out there somewhere reading the posts on my blog... Visit this blogsite for more stories tomorrow onwards but for now, this is Jonathan....... signing out*:)....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

~~~~~NeW dAy, NeW tOpIc~~~~~

Today I wasn't bored in school at all as the whole afternoon in school, we had lessons... Mr Dino was down with a throat infection yesterday so he didn't teach us yesterday's topic so, we're going to have a make-up class once the one week break is over...

Hopefully that the day he chooses is a good day as the upcoming timetable has more lessons than the present one so more stressful in fact...

Finally I can sit down and revise through my work as finally we handed in the assignment that was given last thursday, if I'm not mistaken, so tonight I can sleep a bit earlier...

Well... got to go now... want to start revising a bit then have an early night later on... so cya soon everyone... bye... ciao............ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... TaKe CaRe u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... Thanks for your time to visit and read my posts, it's been much appreciated... so tune into the same blogsite and same time (hopefully).... signing out*:)....

Monday, August 15, 2005

~~~~~No ClAsS~~~~~

Sadly for me, today I went to school for nothing as Mr Dino was sick and they had no replacement for his period so no class this morning... Slacked for two whole hours doing nothing...

After that, it was Sports and Wellness (PE) and guess what the teacher told us... No Sports and Wellness until the one week break... I really got pissed off as the whole entire day was wasted... I prefer to have lessons if I'm in school rather than going to school for nothing...

Well... that's my day for today... did nothing much after that except, I went to Century Square and Tampines Mall with my classmates to buy DVD and window shopping... Got to go now... so cya soon everyone.... ciao.... bye for now......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... TaKe CaRe my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere where I wouldn't even know where is it at... NiTeZz u'all..... signing out*:)....

Saturday, August 13, 2005

~~~~~LoNg TiMe~~~~~

It's been a long time since I watched movies with my homies but finally I did that today after Maths class...

I went with Jeremy at first but in the end we saw Terence Hong at the arcade all alone so since he's our homie, we didn't want to ditch him so we asked him whether he wants to join us to watch "Bewitched"...

I have to apologise to my friend Ricky as he actually wanted me to watch with him "Stealth" but I told him I was busy but my plans were changed so in the end I went out with my homies instead... So Ricky... I'm Sorry...

Anyways, Bewitched was not too bad but the Cinema we went to watch in had some technical difficulties half-way during the movie... The movie had a long yellow line in the centre of the screen meaning that there were problems either with the film or technical problems... But overall it was something like the series show "bewitched" but they did a few twists and turns in the movie but from my point of view, I'll rate the movie 2 out of 5 as it was quite boring at first...

Well... got to go now folks... wanna jam on my guitar now with brand new songs I picked up so cya everyone.... ciao.... bye...... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight...... TaKe CaRe u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... signing out*:)...

Friday, August 12, 2005

~~~~~Haven't been updating again~~~~~

It's been four days since I last blogged... Been very busy during the weekdays doing homework and stuffs... Haven't even got time to blog for so many days... On National Day, my parents and I decided to stay at home to watch the parade on television... And ate Maggie Mee for dinner cause we had a very heavy lunch... But anyways, Wednesday and Thursday I was really very busy with my homework... I needed to revise over and over again to understand that topic, in order to be better I have to do that everyday and night... Anyways, I got Maths class tomorrow so I better start doing my revision and stop doing other stuffs which can be done when I'm free...

So I got to go now folks... cya next time same place, same time (hopefully), same blogsite... ciao.... bye bye..... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight......... Take care u'all.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere, where I don't know....... signing out*:)....

Monday, August 08, 2005

~~~~~Hopefully You Like It??~~~~~

Been wanting to change my blogskin but I really cannot decide which one I should use... Well anyways, I may change it by tonight... I was totally bored at school today as our class had to sit at the multi-purpose hall to watch a school basketball match... It was so boring as they played half-court only... It was not treated as a "real" basketball tournament... But anyways, after I went to Tampines Mall and Century Square, with my pals, to look at the price for a guitar tuner... Any good offers anyone for a good tuner and can be bought nearby?? Oh yes... Almost forgot to wish Singapore HaPpY 40th BiRtHdAy!!!

Well... got to go now my fellow readers... Need to change my blogskin now... so cya soon.... bye everyone and remember to view my brand new blogskin soon.......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere..... signing out*:)....

Sunday, August 07, 2005

~~~~~GuEsS wHo'S bAcK~~~~~

Home Sweet Home I must say... After having so much fun and feeling tired for the past three days, it's time for me to play some games... I regretted not bringing my Playstation 2 to the Aloha Loyang but I really enjoyed myself there doing different things like swimming, jamming with my eldest cousin on our guitars, playing the arcade with my homies and my eldest cousin and going cycling with my homies too... This special THANKS goes out to all of my homies who came naming, Gang Yuan, Jeremy and Haresh... Thanks dudes for coming... I had a great time having all of you as comany... Thanks Gang Yuan and Haresh for going cycling with me and helping with the barbeque too... I really enjoyed myself with you dudes... Hope the three of you enjoyed yourselves too... It meant alot to me when you dudes came to have fun with me yesterday... I really appreciate your time and kindness... Great having you dudes as homies... And yo cousin, I haven't forgotten about you alright... You've been very patient with me dude... You even let me entertained my homies first before jamming with you... Thanks cous for being helpful and everything else too... You're a great cousin for me to look up to... THANKS DUDES!!! And THANK YOU LORD for giving us such wonderful weather for the past three days too... THANK YOU LORD... THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE FOR ALL OF US IN ORDER TO ENJOY OURSELVES!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!

Well... got to go now folks... Need to rest now... Or maybe I'll take my shower soon before having lunch...hmm... or maybe not... LoL!!... so cya soon everyone... bye for now.... ciao my fellow people reading this......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ Take Care u'all.... signing out*:)....

Thursday, August 04, 2005

~~~~~1 More Day to go!!~~~~~

Haven't been updating lately as I was too busy designing my Newsletter Masterhead for MFDI... But anyways, at least I'm quite free right now and lesson haven't actually started yet so might as well update now... I got caught in the heavy rain just now and my shirt was completely drenched but luckily it's dry now... Been looking forward to my sister's birthday tomorrow... I wonder how is it gonna be?? One thing I want for tomorrow is that it shouldn't rain at all cause we'll be having barbeque in the evening... So I pray that it wouldn't rain at all so that we could enjoy the party tomorrow...

Well... got to go now... lesson's starting soon... cya tonight alright folks.... bye..... ciao......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ Take care all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere.... signing out*:)....