Monday, January 30, 2006


Today is the second day of Chinese New Year and what a day it turned out to be... Although I didn't even go out of the house but, there are people who came into the house... You guessed it... They are none other than my Grandparents... It's been one year since they visited us and oh boy, they were surprised to see my sis room as we just renovated it into the design that she wanted... Well, at least now she's happy with her new room as Whoa!! she got such a huge wardrobe that can fit like the whole family... LoL!! ... Seriously, it's huge... It's about the same size as my wardrobe now so you can tell that her previous wardrobe is much smaller... Tell you the truth, it's about half of now her present one... Like I always say, if anyone is happy, I'll be happy too... This is my sis we're talking about here so of course, I'm really happy for her... Oh yes sis, if you're reading this, please keep to yourself alright... LoL!!:D ...

Alright now, back to what I was saying... My Grandparents were very happy with our bedrooms that my Grandpa took lots of photos of it... My Grandma thinks that my showcase is great as it looks the biggest in my room and of course, not to forget my sofa bed...

My day today was great, although we're all stuck at home, as my Grandparents were here... I'm just so happy that the only word I can think of is well, HAPPY!!

Well... gonna catch Coyote Ugly on Channel 5 before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

Sunday, January 29, 2006

~~~~~Chinese New Year!!~~~~~

Today is the first day of Chinese New Year and I have to say, it such a great day today, not to forget about last night's family reunion dinner... Oh man, I can still feel last night's dinner in my stomach... Thanks Grandma, Sis, Aaron, Jessica... :) Without my Sis and my eldest and little cousin's help, my Grandma wouldn't be able to cook all the dishes by herself... So, THREE CHEERS to the trio...

Alright now, back to today's report... I just realised no matter how any of us dress up, whether it's your usual style or otherwise, we all still looked our best on the first day of Chinese New Year... From my point of view I could tell that all the people who were walking on the streets today looked their best, dressing smartly and beautifully... Anyways, today we were all laughing and happily chatting away the whole entire afternoon at my Grandparents' place... Whether we were watching television, the point was that we were all gathered together, sitting under one roof... Although we didn't go visiting after that as my father's side, don't know what happened to them so, we stayed back at my Grandparents' place to help out after all our relatives left... I also had a great lunch thanks to my Aunty, little cousin and of course my Grandma... Whoa, I got to say, what a satisfying lunch...

Dinner time was equally fantastic as my father whooped up 6 dishes for us and it was WONDERFUL!! Especially the soup... Whoa, the chicken soup was the best of all... The rest of the dishes were great too so THANKS DADDY!! :D ...

My conclusion for today was great, can't wait for tomorrow and the day after that... HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO ALL!! GONG XI FA CAI!! :) ... Hope all of you enjoyed your day today because I did...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

Saturday, January 21, 2006


There comes a time where you have to give excuses to do something important but does anybody care if you tell them the truth why you had to give that excuse in the first place?? But do you know how the other party feels?? I guess not... If you understand what I'm typing, so be it... Let me tell you this that I speak the truth but sometimes give excuses so that I won't be so "ma-lu"... Meaning that I don't want to be seen the "blur" one... I tend to speak without thinking twice and I know myself that it is a bad habit I'm willing to change but it takes time...

Well, my day today was a totally wasted Saturday... I had a class outing to go to this afternoon but I woke up around 2pm feeling lousy as the day before, I felt weak due to some stomach problems and had to make a few trips to the toilet... Although I couldn't go, I even prayed that the weather would be sunny all day and it did... It was raining only around evening time and I got a feeling that my classmates enjoyed themselves cycling and doing stuffs at East Coast... It's happy to know that others close to you are enjoying themselves while you are tired and nobody cares... Correction, there are people WHO CARES!! The Lord and my family... Only they understand me well... The bright side slacking at home the whole day today is that I managed to finish my homework and my energy level is charged up...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

Friday, January 20, 2006

~~~~~What's Up Tummy??~~~~~

This morning during lesson time was like an encore telecast for my group and I as we had to do our presentation on what we did the day before... It was very enjoyable and unique I must say as we made it into a skit instead of the normal group presentation... I can't believe that I was shivering while during the presentation... It was so cold that it was so obvious that I was shivering... But no matter, as long the message gets across, no harm was done... By doing this skit, it helped my group and me as we understood clearly on what the topic was about and we had lots of fun too... So it's like putting the fun factor into the facts factor...

So far being Class Representative is CooL!! as this is my first time being one I guess... It's actually quite an easy job being Class Rep but of course there's a lot of commitment involved...

Hey dudes, I apologise for not going to Peninsular Plaza with you all today... Had a very bad stomach ache and I had to stay in the toilet for quite a while and had to make a few more trips after that... So ya... My bad dudes, Justin and Melvyn... Ouch!! my stomach is still feeling the pain...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

~~~~~3rd Day of School seems....~~~~~

Right now, I am currently in class but still early so lesson haven't actually started yet... But since most of you wants me to update my blog, so I will you lamers... LoL!! ...

Being the class representative isn't that bad after all... I thought it'll be like the primary or secondary school days where the chairman had to do almost everything but in here, things are more smooth going...

Well, all I can tell from the first 3 days in school is that the stress is starting to build up and I love it... It's been a long time since I felt so hype up once again...

I'll update more tomorrow night but for now, this is Jonathan signing out*:) .... cya...

Friday, January 13, 2006

~~~~~6 Weeks??~~~~~

Wow!! today was the last day of our attachment, actually officially was yesterday but today we had to help out at AsiaPac (our headquarters)... We were all there doing different tasks... Melvyn and I were assigned to check for dead pixels on the laptops... But after 3 hours, we all gathered back at the Main office in AsiaPac... Justin and I were playing the musical instruments there... He was playing the electric and I was playing the acoustic guitar... The rest of us played Pool...

Alright... I find that what I wrote above is boring so I'm going to spice things up... So after all that, we all went to Funan again as Justin wanted his logbook signed... So that was what we planned on doing, I presumed... Now I'm going to tell you what we did exactly at Funan... Working?? Yes, we were there to work... That wasn't the plan we had in mind as all of us woke up early this morning so that we would be able to reach AsiaPac at 9am... It wasn't my idea working today but the weird thing was that, I agreed to help out until 5pm... We only wanted to work for 2 hours, as most of our seniors went to deliver some stuffs... We saw that they were shorthanded so that was the reason we helped for a while... In the end, Justin, Melvyn and I left at around 7:30pm and one of them left 10 minutes earlier... The other guy was the best, he left around 5pm and the rest of us were still working... No offence dudes... Just stating the fact that's all and what I feel... Don't take it to heart... CooL!!

But I don't really mind working today... And YES, I WILL MISS YOU GUYS AND GALS AT DIGITAL ASIA... I will always remember all of you :)... Each one of you have given me confidence, creative mind, customer service, skills in dealing difficult customers and closing deals... But the most of all, all of you showed your love towards us... You taught us with so much patience that we can stand on our own two feet and sold so many laptops and other stuffs... You all taught us not only to be salesperson but, to care for our customers too... So special thanks to, Adele, Matthew, Gary, Shawn, John, Chris, Manora, Che and Eng Leong... And how could I ever forget our beautiful and successful General Manager, Sandy... THANK YOU!! I will never forget either one of you guys and gals ;) ...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

~~~~~HAPPY NEW YEAR!!~~~~~

New day, New week, New month, NEW YEAR!! Yes everyone, its New Year's time once again and time for our New Year's Resolution... So have you made your New Year's Resolution?? Anyways, I just want to wish everyone out there, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Wow... A year has gone by in just a blink of an eye and we have to start all over again... Is it going to be a great year ahead or is it going to be one roller coaster ride?? Well, God has planned everything for us but there will always be good and bad choices for us to choose... Or should I say, there will always be two paths for us to take... One would be straight while the other might be a curvy path but which one would be the right one?? Well, all I have to say is that each and everyday of our lives would be full of obstacles but it's up to us whether to tackle it with all our might or just give in... It's up to us to decide...

My conclusion for the first day of the New Year was kind of weird... I just took a nap for one hour plus and I dreamt that the entire day today had been rewind... I see everyone and myself moving backwards... It's like the New Year is restarting again... I don't know what that dream was telling me but it was quite CooL!! seeing that happening...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...