Saturday, December 23, 2006

~~~~~Pedal, Pedal!!~~~~~

I guess you readers should know how I always start off... I won't start on what went on for today but, I'll start off with the days that I missed out, which was yesterday...

Yesterday... I went back to work and was surprised to see a present on my working table... I thought it wasn't meant for me so, I just ignored it... When my boss came in, she passed me that present and wished me MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I was shocked and touched... I only worked there for one week and I feel so accepted, like part of a family... Thank You!! Anyways, followed up by that, some of my colleagues gave me gifts too... Well, what can I say besides, THANK YOU ALL!! This is going to be one wonderful Christmas for me... I LOVE THIS CHRISTMAS!!

Today... When I woke up, I was very happy that the sun was shining brightly as Randy and I were planning to go cycling today... Our hopes were shattered when it rained... We thought that the weather would be raining the entire day again... Surprisingly, after half an hour or so, the rained stopped and the sun was shining brightly again... We waited for a while just to make sure that it wasn't going to rain again... I called Randy up that the cycling was still on... I grabbed my bike and went to meet Randy... After meeting up with him, our next destination was Downtown East as; we wanted to play pool... We had to make a detour first as both of us had to pump our tires and then, we set off to our destination... Once we arrived there, we had no idea where to park our bikes so; we just chained them together and placed it at one corner... Pool was intense for me as, it had been quite a while since I got my hands on the pool stick... Well, although I lost to Randy by 7-1, it was a great game as I could see that I had improved... We later rode our bikes back to Tampines Mart to have a meal at MacDonald's... After that, we went to Sunplaza Park to ride around for a while before I had to go back to my Grandma's house for dinner... Sorry Randy for ditching you again... Thanks for agreeing to the bike outing... I really enjoyed myself, although I got trashed by you in pool... =)

Before I end off, I feel that I should say this to all of you readers... Here goes... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! Enjoy the season of Thanksgiving and spending time with your family... The New Year will be coming soon so might as well I wish all of you, HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Enjoy yourselves, going out to all my homies and to you... This is JoNaThaN... signing out*...

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Today was the best day of my week, period... Before I start on what went on for me today, I'm just going to do a quick summary on the past few days...

On Monday, I woke up extra early in the morning to get ready... Getting ready for what? I was getting ready to report for the first day of my temporary job at Great Eastern... Thanks to my sister, I managed to get the job as she was working there as a permanent staff... Although I don't get my own cubicle like my sister, at least I got my own work station... So my assignment for my first day was to do batching... It was easy when I got used to it... All I had to do was to group 7 policies together and write down the policy numbers on a piece of paper... I was wondering when I could get my hands on their scanner but straight after lunch, I was assigned to scan the policies... It was interesting to work on the scanner as it wasn't the flatbed scanner that we usually have in our home but, it comes with the flatbed and the hopper... All I had to do was to place the policies on the hopper and click scan... The hopper will then do the rest of the scanning... I thought it was that easy to place each policy on the hopper but I shouldn't rejoice so soon... The scanner only allows me to place 10 pieces of paper on it's hopper and not only that, sometimes, the scanner will just pull in two papers at once and scans only one piece instead of two...

As for Tuesday and Yesterday, I did more scanning in work... Not only I had to only scan, I must also always remember to take note on how many policies I had scanned and record it now in a file, that my boss will review everyday... For the record, on Monday, I scanned 32 policies and on Tuesday, 42 policies... But as for Yesterday, I scanned 100 policies and no kidding, 100 polices doesn't mean counting the amount of pages that I had to scan... It may sound relaxing but it's not as easy you think it may be...

Now let's get back to the present, today... I took leave today for a special reason and that was, to attend the Christmas Bowl that my church had organised... I invited Jeremy and Lester to join in the fun... We were allowed to play only 2 games so we took our own sweet time... Well, the fact was; we didn't even have to take our own sweet time as our lane took our role... The lane had some mechanism faults as it took a very long time to set up the pins and I mean it, VERY long time... We also received free dinner after our entertaining game, although we had to wait... After dinner, we went to Tampines Mall and Century Square to do some window shopping for Christmas... Sorry dudes for ditching you as my mum wanted me to carry her shopping bags...

Anyways, that's what went on for the past four days of my week... May all of you have a fun and enjoyable Christmas and prepare for the New Year... Wishing all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

~~~~~Unexpected Movie Night!!~~~~~

Well, I should be starting work this week but I had to go for my interview first... So yesterday, I went for my job interview and I was hired on the spot but I'll be starting on this coming Monday as they had to process everything out first before I could start... In the end, I came back in the early afternoon... Since I had not taken my lunch, I went to meet my close friend at MacDonald's...

For my Tuesday, I went to play pool with Lester... After that, we went to the new IKEA that just recently opened in Tampines area... Courts Mega Store will be opening on the 16th if I'm not wrong... Anyways, they have so many types of furniture for us, customers, to choose from...

Now, let's carry on what went on today... I was supposed to pass some stuffs to my close friend over our dinner night out but in the end, we went for a movie instead... I guess my close friend shouldn't be nick-named close friend... How about this, now my close friend will be nick-named, my movie goer... It's my second time watching movie with my movie goer... We went to watch ERAGON!! We enjoyed it very much... We love the dragon, the scenery and the storyline... It's completely fairytale-like and the dragon looked so real... It's a movie worth watching... After that, we were supposed to have dinner but it was already 8.30pm... So, I "da pao" my dinner home as both of us wanted to rush back to catch the Channel 8 serial at 9pm...

What a turnover of event today was... But at the end of everything, we enjoyed the movie night out... Anyways, something is calling out for me now and I need to stop typing and go... It's GAME TIME!! So to all my fellow readers, enjoy your night and your holidays but as for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, December 08, 2006

~~~~~Relieving Stress!!~~~~~

Well, it's been one week since the school closed... At first, what came to my mind was, what am I going to do tomorrow?? Now, let's recap what went on during my week...

Monday... I went to meet Lester for pool... We played for a few rounds for 2 hours plus... After those 2 hours, we started to feel hungry as we had not eaten our lunch and due to that, our last game was a long one... We just couldn't put in the black ball into any of the pockets but in the end, Lester did it... We ate Burger King as our late lunch...

Tuesday... I went gym with Jeremy and somehow, I think I overdid it... Anyways it has been a long time since I visited the gym and I must say they have new machines there... We worked out for 1 hour plus and went on the eat Burger King for lunch... It was the last day for me to hang out with Jeremy as he is going, with his family, to Thailand the next morning for his church's mission trip... Jeremy, I also want to wish you HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY in advance... Have fun over there and May God Bless You...

Wednesday... I was supposed to go out with Lester but he got a high fever so in the end, I went shopping alone... I decided to go to Marina Square to get myself some clothes... After walking about for half an hour, I finally bought the clothes I wanted... A black polo t at Zara and a pair of dark blue jeans at Giordano...

Yesterday... I went out for a movie with my close friend... We wanted to watch Casino Royale so; we met up for lunch first since the next slot was 3.50pm... So to kill time, we also went to the arcade... Finally, it was 3.40pm and we could finally proceed to the cinema... The movie was quite alright for me but I won't want to watch it twice... After that, we went to Challenger at Simei... We realised we had not much cash left so, we decided to go home to take our dinner instead of eating out...

Today... I had Bible Study just now and just came back... It's been a long time since I attended Bible Study as I was stressed over projects but all that is now over, period... I could finally touch on Revelations, which they already touched on a few weeks ago... It was a very enlightening book to touch on as I feel it's like solving the mysteries of God... I just love Revelations, even though it's hard to understand everything but I still love it...

Well, that's a recap of my entire week, from Monday to Friday... Enjoy reading this long post... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, December 02, 2006


School has finally ended and the only main conclusion I have is that, time passes at a blink of an eye... From seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months and months to years... When you're in school, you feel stressed out and just wish that school would just end but when you're out of school, you just feel like "what's in it for your tomorrow" kind of feeling... Well, two years being in the class of MMT PU0501B/Q, is one of my greatest moments in life... New friends become close friends and close friends become good buddies... I'll never forget all of you... We shared lots of good times and joyful moments together... I especially won't forget my M8 crew... They all have been very patient with me and that really touched me a lot... No matter what the results may be, we all did our best we could and what's done is done... Well, thinking about this and the whole class, I'm really starting to miss all of you... As your Chairman, I want to THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!! ALL OF YOU rOCkS!! Enjoy your holidays, dudes and dudetats... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...


