~~~~~Fun and Tired Week!!~~~~~
WOW!! I just came back from greatest youth concert I ever been to at the Singapore Expo... Before I elaborate more on that; let me tell you where I was at the past two days...
Yesterday, Thursday, I went back to school although it's my holiday week... What's the reason I went back for?? Well, I went back for my school camp... To be exact, it's a leadership training camp called "ACE"... To be honest, I regretted going for it at first but I was wrong in the end... As we got into our groups, we had to appoint a team leader and come out with a team name and cheer... Let me tell you what we called ourselves... We were called "The Cougars"... Our group consisted 14 of us in all... Anyway, after that, we had to come out with a theme for our lunch before we could even dine in... We thought of a jungle theme... Finally, when the judges commented on our theme, we could actually get our hands on the food... After lunch, we played 5 or 6 games and it was a team challenge... The games I enjoyed the most were, the tossing of the bouncing ball into a cup, the tossing of the water bombs using trash bags and "body surf"... For the first two games, the lesson learnt from it was, working together as a team and learning how to synchronise our movements... We had dinner after that... As for the "body surf", we had to carry one person as a team and answer questions while we were at it... It was so exhausting as if whenever we got the answer wrong, we had to carry two persons... The lesson that we learnt from this game was that we win together, we die together... At the end of the day, all of us were longing for a bath... At 9:30pm, it was finally home sweet home for us but the following day, we had to report at 9am... Great work team... I enjoyed myself very much and I hope you all do too...
GO COUGARS!!This morning, Friday, we started off with the famous game every game will have... It was the bombing game... After that, our instructor combined us with another team for the next game... So it was originally 6 teams and now there were 3 teams and the game was, finding 3 packs of poker cards around the school... Well, of course not the entire school but only three blocks in the school... We then set off finding the cards... When we assembled back, our instructor questioned us, "Was it a competition?" We were all ashamed as all of us assumed it was a competition... We all should create a win-win situation and not "sabo", meaning doing something that will do harm to that individual, people... So after that, we had our lunch... Soon after that, we had our last game of the day... A battleship game in which when the opponent's boat had been shot, three of their team members had to come to the front and they'll be filled with an ice cube each and when their boat sank, they would be drenched with ice water... Well, but whenever our team shot their mines, we would suffer the same fate but 5 of us would be drenched with ice water and not 3... What a way to end off the entire camp... I was supposed to stay back for a few minutes for debriefing but I rushed off for home first...
Now for the Planetshakers Concert... It was hosted by New Creation Church by the way... Anyway, Planetshakers were awesome... Thanks to Jeremy; Lester, Jocey and I could go... Thanks dude... This was my first time seeing them live in action... Senior Pastor Joseph Prince was the preacher for the evening... His sermon was on receiving abundance of grace and gifts of righteousness... He gave his sermon in a very strong impacted manner that even non-believers and even believers, like us, would be touched and inspired... After that, Jeremy, Lester, Jocey and I went Simpang Bedok to have our dinner, prata... What a great ending to my two strenuous days at ACE camp... Thanks Lester for coming... Thank You Jocey for coming, even though it was kind of last minute...
THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS!! =DWell, this is a long post readers so do take your time to read it... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...
~Senior Pastor Joseph Prince~