Sunday, November 18, 2007

~~~~~Busy Week~~~~~

This week was supposed to be our week off but in the end, on Wednesday and Thursday, I was involved in the orientation camp for the upcoming intake...

On Wednesday; I had to wake up at 8am in the morning as I was involved in the games section for the orientation camp... By the way this orientation camp was called, e3 camp... So anyway, I met up with the other game masters of the human-sized tic-tac-toe game which I was involved in... We discussed on the rules of the game and the forfeit too... Overall, we enjoyed ourselves at the end of the day.... The best part was the forfeit as we made them carry one of their own team mate and they had to walk and sing at the same time... Tiring but an enjoyable day...

On Thursday; I went to school to help out with the blogging and video workshop they had planned for them... I also stayed on to help out with the IT match... It was a race against time as all of them had questions that they had to hunt for in the school... Intense yet exciting...

On Friday; I wanted to go and see the finale of the e3 camp but unfortunately I had to head out to Ngee Ann City to collect my French book I ordered from school... What a waste...

For yesterday and today, I managed to finish my assignments that will be due tomorrow and Tuesday... Youth Service and Small Group were the only time I guess I felt relaxed after such a hectic week... Thank You Lord for comforting me in Your House...

Well, that's about it... Time for me to hit the books... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

~~~~~Happy Deepavali~~~~~

Monday was my Mum's birthday... My Sis and I decided to buy a cake and a present for her... My Sis was the one who bought the cake as I came home first since I was carrying my laptop... Thanks Sis for buying it on my behalf... I then decided to pay for the cake as a birthday present to my Mum... Happy Birthday Mum!! We will and always love you and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for everything... We thank the Lord for giving us a Mum like you... Thank You Lord!! Thank You Mum!!

Tuesday was sadness to me as my Mum fell ill... I had to go to school and because of that, I couldn't accompany her to the doctor... I was so worried when I was in school... I was so relieved when I received her message that she was at home already... She was given 2 days' MC for her illness...

Wednesday was a short day in school but those who were involved in the e3 camp, orientation camp, had to stay in school for the Communication Skills test... I was one of them too and although we ended class at 10am, the test only started at 1pm... After the test, which was around 3pm, I went out with my Mum for an early dinner as I skipped lunch because I had a heavy breakfast...

This afternoon; I decided to go for a ride on my bike... It's been 2 weeks since I last rode it to the park... I rode for a few minutes before I came back home... Later after that, I went out with my Mum to NTUC to buy some extra dishes for dinner... My Dad was cooking dinner but there weren't enough dishes so we had to go and get some... What a scrumptious dinner... I think I can skip breakfast tomorrow...

Well, that's the update for the past four days... Almost forgot, I finally upgraded my handphone to Nokia 6120 classic... I'll be posting a picture of my phone and a few other pictures I took with it... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Nokia 6120 classic black
My new handphone

Nokia 6120 classic black
Taken with my new handphone

Nokia 6120 classic black
More Pictures

Nokia 6120 classic black
This picture was edited using my new handphone

Saturday, November 03, 2007

~~~~~Musical Memories~~~~~

Today, I woke up early on a Saturday... That's very rare for me to wake up at 11am on a Saturday... So since I'm awake, I decided to go out with my Mum for lunch as later on, she had to go to church for her Small Group... We went to Century Square to eat roti prata for lunch as we were already there, looking at handphones. Well, in the end, I didn't manage to get any handphone today but I guess it's no rush... After lunch, my Mum went to church and I went back home... Soon after that, I changed into my gym outfit and made my way to the tampines gym...

I worked out for about two hours before I came back home... After that, I decided to meet my Mum and Sis at church as there was an event called, Musical Memories... It really brought back beautifully memories from my Sunday School times... All the songs they sang were all meaningful and it'll be remembered now, and forever... Like the saying goes, you'll remember the songs you sang 10 years ago but not the sermon that was preached 10 years ago...

Well, before I end off, here's a verse to all... Matthew 6:34 says, Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, November 02, 2007

~~~~~Missing It~~~~~

This week had its ups and downs but finally, Friday is here... Just when I thought that this week would have no pure joy to it, I was wrong...

Today after school, I decided to visit my Grandparents at my Aunt's house... It wasn't just an ordinary visit... I received a sms from my little cousin that my Grandma was cooking laksa for dinner... I was looking forward to the end of school today as I really wanted to just go there and get the taste that I missed for many months... Dinner was served when my Mum came... Amazing!! My Grandma still had her skills intact although, she wasn't the one who actually cooked it... She taught my little cousin step by step and yet, I could feel the taste that came from my Grandma's cooking... It was a dinner that would leave memories, happy ones...

Well, I guess at the end of the day, everything would brighten up after the storm... Thank You Grandma... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...