Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I want to wish everybody a blessed Merry Christmas... I really hope that all of you, who celebrated Christmas, had as much fun as I did... What is the true meaning of Christmas?? It's the time of giving and receiving?? Yes but not exactly... It is the day that Jesus Christ was born... Happy Birthday to JESUS!!

Last night, I went to my Aunt's place to celebrate Christmas Eve... It would usually be held at my Grandparents' place but since they're now staying at Aunt's place, it was held there... My two little cousins planned out a program list for all of us... It was kind of cute as they were the youngest and yet they're the ones organising it... Anyway, we had a buffet dinner which was prepared by my Aunt... I was filled to the brim... After that was the giving out of presents... We had so much fun and laughs but one thing I missed was the warmth from my Grandma... It's just not the same no matter how it is done... Although everybody had smiles on their faces, I can tell that my Grandma misses her home...

After resting for a while, my Mum, Sis and I made our way to the church for the Christmas Eve service... It was called, Cross Roads... We sang Christmas carols and there was a Christmas play put up for all of us to reflect upon... The whole sanctuary was filled with the Holy Spirit and what our Pastor preached on, after what was installed for us, really softened our hearts and made our tears flow down uncontrollably...

This morning, my Mum, Sis and I went for the 11am service... It was yet another good sermon preached by our Pastor... After that we went for lunch and we went to visit my Grandparents later on... We ate dinner there as my Aunt wanted us to stay for dinner... We later had to take a cab back home as we had to carry back all the presents from yesterday's...

Well, that's about it... I'm going to upload a video and a few pictures that I took during the Cross Roads service... Wishing all of you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Candles were given out after the sermon, Mum's candle

My candle

Cross Roads

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

~~~~~Chariots of Fire~~~~~

Here's a true story that my Pastor preached during sermon this morning...

The movie is based on the true story of two British athletes competing in the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. Englishman Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross), who is Jewish, overcomes anti-Semitism and class prejudice in order to compete against the "Flying Scotsman", Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson), in the 100 metre race.

In 1919, Abrahams enters Cambridge University. He attempts and succeeds at the Trinity Great Court run, which involves running around the court before the clock finishes striking 12. Meanwhile, Liddell sees running as a way of glorifying God before travelling to China to work as a missionary. He represents Scotland against Ireland, and preaches a sermon on "Life as a race" afterwards.

At their first meeting, Liddell shakes Abrahams' hand to wish him well, then beats him in a race. Abrahams takes it badly, but Sam Mussabini (Ian Holm), a professional trainer that he had approached earlier, offers to take him on to improve his technique. However, this attracts criticism from the college authorities.

Eric's sister Jenny (Cheryl Campbell) worries he is too busy running to concern himself with their mission, but Eric tells her he feels inspired: "I believe that God made me for a purpose... (the mission), but He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure."

Despite pressure from the Prince of Wales and the British Olympic committee, Liddell refuses to run a heat of the 100 metres at the Olympics because his Christian convictions prevent him from running on Sunday. Liddell is allowed to compete in the 400 metre race instead. Liddell at church on Sunday is seen quoting Isaiah 40, verse 31:
'But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and be not weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.'

If you still don't understand what the story is about, here's a video to summarise everything... But before that... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...


Friday, December 21, 2007

~~~~~Project Meet Up~~~~~

Today my team members and I went back to school, even though we're on a break, to do our project... We stayed in school for about 2 hours... Although we didn't manage to complete what we planned to do but, we know what were the errors we made and we'll make sure it'll be perfect on the next meet up...

We set off around 5pm... I went to meet my Mum for dinner at Century Square... It was a surprise to see 3 of my NYP classmates there... After that, my Mum and I walked around the Pasar Malam nearby... I bought a name keychain, with my name on it, which was customised... I'll upload the picture later... The price of it really suits the quality and the design...

Well, it's time for me to chill out on my electric guitar for a while before hitting the sack... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...



Thursday, December 20, 2007

~~~~~Lunch Meet Up~~~~~

Before I start off I just want to wish all my Malay friends, Selamat Hari Raya Haji...

Although it was a holiday, I didn't spend my entire day slacking at home like somebody as I had a lunch appointment with my Small Group... We planned to meet at 12pm at Lavendar MRT Station first and we were going to have our lunch at Golden Mile Complex but, I was half an hour late as I couldn't leave my house due to the heavy downpour... When I arrived there, KK and Barry were the only ones there... I was the earliest among the latest, they said... So we sat there, waiting for Yong Wei and Marie to arrive... Marie came around 1pm... Followed up by Yong Wei who came at around 1:30pm... After that, we made our way there...

It was my first time going to Golden Mile Complex... We were introduced to a Thai Restaurant by Barry... We ordered around 4 to 5 dishes and it only costs us 71 bucks... It was really worth it... After that, we walked around for a few minutes before we went different directions...

I went to meet my Mum and Sis at Tampines Mall and then, we made our way to Hougang to visit my Grandparents... I felt so glad and happy to see that my Grandmother was feeling much better and stronger... I really thank the Lord and everyone who prayed for her...

Well, that's about it... Here are some photos for all... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

~~~~~Solid Rock Café~~~~~

It's been almost a month since I last blogged... I've been so busy with tests, projects and assignments that I couldn't find the time to update... Anyway, today was the start of my two-week study break... Many things have happened since my last post... Not only have I been occupied with studies and all, but also reality... Sometimes I feel that the stress in school is the only escape for me to take a break from reality... Those who know about my problem, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, care and concern for my Grandmother... Without those, things wouldn't have gone the way it did... Just to update those who know, she's doing fine and is having a smooth recovery... I thank the Lord for being there with her and I sincerely thank all of you for your prayers, care and concern once more...

This morning I went to meet Randy, at noon time, to play pool at Downtown East NTUC Resort... We played until it was almost 4pm and the score was 6 - 5... This time, I got the 6... I'll always remember this date...

So anyway, we then made our way to my church for an event... I also invited Jeremy and Lester to come but Lester wasn't free... Randy and I then waited, in my church, for Jeremy to arrive... It was the first time that the both of them went to the chapel... We started off playing board games so we decided to play a card game with such huge cards... If I'm not wrong, we played "taiti"... Not sure of the spelling and of course money wasn't in the picture... We only played halfway as later we were told it was going to be used for props so we played a different game called, "Happy Feet"...

After a game, we went outside the chapel to have our dinner... Food was delicious... Don't say I never praise your choice of food, Jocey... Soon after that, we went back into the chapel to watch different bands performed that is part of YMPACT... While watching them, we also play another board game... Later on, there was a dance item put up by the dance team of YMPACT... They were great... To Jocey, you were amazing... There was also a skit catered to us that was very meaningful and really impacted our daily lives... The sermon that followed after that really closes the whole event of Solid Rock Cafe... Overall I really enjoyed myself... No wait, correction to that, we enjoyed ourselves there... I thank you, Jeremy and Randy, for coming and sharing the joy with me together with my brothers and sisters in Christ...

Well, what a way to start off my two-week study break after so much stress in school and in my daily life... Once again, I thank the Lord for being there with Grandmother and today's magnificent event... Thank You for Everything Dear Lord!!... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Jeremy, Randy, Me

Pictures taken on the rooftop of my church, Pentecost Methodist Church

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Inside the chapel, it's bigger than you think it is