Sunday, September 18, 2005

~~~~~Fogive and Forget~~~~~

Today my mother, my sister and I went for the 11am service... The sermon was like a reminder to all of us as for us to stay happy, we have to learn how to forgive and forget our neighbours... Why should we keep staying angry and trying to get revenge on that person who hurt you, who doesn't even know that he or she is actually hurting your feelings... I was enlightened after hearing that sermon... I also enjoyed worship as it has been a long time since I sang those songs... I really missed those praises and worships... Praise the Lord!!!

Well, got to go now... wanna play pro evolution soccer 4... so cya soon folks... bye you all... ciao......... so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

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