Friday, November 25, 2005

~~~~~Open; Says Me!!~~~~~

Laptops are very fragile working equipment for your personal use... Nobody would want to open up their laptops the first day they bought it for one simple reason, they're not stupid... Who would want to open up their brand new laptop and take out all the inner parts and in the end, spoil it on the very first day they bought it?? But today, we the internship students got a chance to disassemble Fujitsu laptops 6 series... And I got to say, after hearing the prices of each of the parts, the price of the parts is much more expensive than the laptop itself... The experience of disassembling and reassembling the laptops is CooL!! as we didn't know that the motherboard was that small... Well, I'll see more of the latest laptops when I'm at my posted retail stall two weeks from today... Unfortunately for the sales department, that's where I'm working as, we have to work 10 hours a day and 6 days a week so I better sleep early everyday just to start storing my energy... Although the pay is not what I expected, I'm doing it for the experience and for the certificate... This is a great chance for me to know how to sell items...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar for a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

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