~~~~~Refreshing Sermon!!~~~~~
There was a man who was sleeping in his cabin...
Suddenly he was awaken by this bright light...
It was the Lord and He was asking the man to push a huge rock, on the hills, outside his cabin window...
The man obediently followed the Lord's instructions and pushed the huge rock everyday with all his might... One day, the man was tired and worn out with all those pushing...
Then came the devil and he tempted the man saying, "Everyday you've been pushing the huge rock and it haven't even moved an inch... You know that you can't move the huge rock so might as well just push it for a while without using all your might..."
The man prayed to the Lord, "Dear Heavenly Father, I've done what you've instructed me to do but the huge rock haven't even move half a millimeter... Can you tell me why haven't it moved since I pushed it with all my might??"
The Lord answered, "My dear child, I asked you to push the huge rock and not to move it... I'll do the moving but you've been an obedient child and look what you've gained from all those pushing... You've gained bigger muscles, your back is so rounded and muscular and your arms and legs are much stronger..."
The moral of this story is that, always trust in the Lord in what He has assigned you to do... Don't get tempted and if you're in that situation, always pray and ask the Lord...
I really learned a lot during the sermon that was preached during YM this morning... Although this sermon has been repeated recently, it's refreshing to hear it once again... Temptations are always there, hunting down the weak especially when we're alone and wondering about the things happening around us... Nobody can resist all the temptations in our daily lives but we can stop before things get complicated...
In conclusion, no matter where we are; no matter what we do, we should always seek the Lord for answers if we know that somewhere deep within, we know that it's wrong but we have the urge to do it... You may think that it's alright doing it since there's no harm done but would you be giving into temptation?? Always pray about the feelings within... It helps, for sure...
Well... gonna watch my DVD, The Island before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...
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