Sunday, April 23, 2006

~~~~~What is Faith??~~~~~

Hebrews 11:1 (New International Version)
Now faith is being sure of what is hope and certain of what we do not see

The verse tells us that although faith is something we cannot see, but it's something we believe in... There are many things we believe in but why should we believe the words in the Holy Bible?? Who actually knows the author of the Holy Bible?? Let me tell you this, none... It's our choice to make, whether to believe the words or not to...

The reason why I believe the words of the Holy Bible is because, I have faith... I have evidence that each particular verse, has happened in my life before... I admit; not all the verses in the Holy Bible but those I can remember... We, as Christians, believe in Holy Bible because, Jesus Christ speaks through us by using different methods and the Holy Bible is one of them... Have you ever felt down and actually prayed about your problems or open the Holy Bible and come across a verse that really made you realised that life has to go on?? Well let me tell you this, I have been through that... It's great hearing this sermon as it actually shows us that faith is powerful, only if you believe in it...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar for a while.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........
so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

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