Wednesday, July 12, 2006

~~~~~Skills Getting Better!!~~~~~

After being defeated to Randy, 10-2, it's high time for me to train more... So today, I decided to have a game of pool again with Lester...

I met Lester around 4pm at Downtown East NTUC Resort... We started off the game with some lousy shots but, he still won me in the first round... When it was time for me to break ball, the funny thing was that every time I break ball, the white ball goes straight into the hole and the other balls just moved and inch or two... We started at around 4pm and wanted to end around 6pm but Jeremy called and said that he just finished school so, we continued on playing... So the score for Lester against me was, 7-2... I played only one round with Jeremy but I won by luck... He shot the last black ball in and his white ball went in too so, I won... When Lester was going against Jeremy, Jeremy won Lester without putting his white ball in... There's a funny video that I took when it was Lester's turn... Keep your eyes here and watch the video later...

After our game of pool, the three of us went to City Hall as I wanted to meet Randy to collect something from him but it turned out that he wasn't even close to City Hall... He was at Jurong... Jeremy went there to have dinner with his church mates and since Lester and I were there, might as well we grab a bite too... So, we went to Marina Square to do some window shopping as it's been quite a while since I last bought myself clothes but I didn't feel like buying anything today... We went to have our dinner at Han's which was a mistake... It turned out that both of our omelettes were extremely soft and very bland but at least their fries were not too bad... After that, we made our way home...

Since I haven't checked my results in the day, I have to check now... YEAH!! I just checked it out and I scored As for Computer Graphics (3D), Digital and Media Services and Networking Fundamentals... This is something to add on to my wonderful day I had today... WOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm so happy with my results...

Well... gonna chill out on my guitar for a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...




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