Saturday, August 12, 2006

~~~~~Silence, Camera rolling, ACTION!!~~~~~

The three words used on the actual filming set... Silence on the set, Camera rolling and ACTION... They had to make sure that the sound was alright, sun was at the right angle and which position is the camera supposed to be facing...

This morning, I had to wake up early again as Jeremy and I had to go to Lorong Buangkok to help out Mr Boi and his crew... Not only to help but to learn a few tips as well... It was produced and directed very well... The actors and actresses were sometimes complaining but they were still persistent on finishing their parts... The enjoyable part of watching films in the making is that, the actor or actress forgets their lines or says a total different line... The first few times of saying the same line was alright but after a while, they would forget and that's the funny part... The way they actually forget their lines are beyond words... You have to be there to enjoy the making of a short film... It's too bad that Jeremy and I had to leave half way as we had to go back to church... Jeremy has fellowship every Saturday and I have to help out with the Bible Olympia the church I attend organised...

Overall, the 7 hours on the set, 9am to 4pm, were very enjoyable and knowing the different types of camera angles and environment really makes different impacts... I feel that I have learnt lots of different stuffs put together on today's set that I attended... I wonder what the ending would turn out to be... I can't wait to find out...

Well... gonna hit the sack right about now.... it's been a rather very long day once again... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...

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