Before I start what went on today, I shall tell you all what went on for my past week and yesterday... Oh yes before I forget, to all the teachers out there and mine, HaPpY tEaChErS' dAy!!
So far, I find that it has been a chilly week and I won't be surprised there's more to come... Anyways, my week has been great so far... Our M8 supervisor finally accepted our script... YEAH!! He has given us the green light to go and shoot our short film but he still insists on seeing our shot list... So now, we're left with the shot list... To be exact, half of the shot list as we've touched up the first half of the scenes we're going to shoot...
I didn't go back to my secondary school yesterday as I wanted to have a run-through of our scenes but in the end, I had to attend some teachers' ceremony that my class advisor invited me to attend... I enjoyed watching the whole event until when they decided to do a performance taken from High School Musical... It wasn't that bad but, I feel that with more practise, they'll sound better honestly... Anyways, since I had to attend this event, my group members decided to head back home first and maybe later meet up... When the event was over, when I looked up to the skies, I see dark clouds... Fortunate for me, when I reached back home, then it started to pour down heavily... My surroundings were completely dark like it was the night sky... It was only 3pm then and it was already pitched black... I decided that it wasn't the day to do a run-through shoot so, I told my group members to meet up on Sunday since they're not going to be free today and tomorrow...
Now, let me get started on what I did today... I went shopping with my grandma and little cousin at Econ Mini-Mart... We bought rice and other stuffs... After eating lunch at my grandparents' place, I headed to the gym... Since I decided to go to the gym, I asked Jeremy whether he was free to go... We exercised for about 2 hours... Later after that, I decided to chill out at Jeremy's house... What a day... I really missed the gym... I got so tied down with school projects and all that I don't even have time to go to the gym... Finally, I managed to make time...
Well... gonna chill out on my Final Fantasy X-2 for a while before hitting the sack.... so cya real soon alright.... bye folks........ so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight............ TaKe CaRe you all yo.... NiTeZz to all my homies and fellow readers out there somewhere visiting my blogsite and reading about my daily activities... Thanks for visiting... Please come again...... but for now, this is JoNaThAn... signing out*:)...
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