Friday, February 09, 2007

~~~~~Update of The Week!!~~~~~

It's been a week now and it's time for me to update so, let me recall back this whole week and I shall start off with last Saturday...

Last Saturday, I was supposed to go cycling with Randy but guess what; I woke up with a cramp on my left leg... I asked my Dad whether it was advisable to cycle with a cramp and he told me that the pain would be worst than it is already... So I told Randy that no cycling trip but we could still go and play pool... I arrived at Downtown East NTUC Resort first as Randy missed the bus but anyway, the place was packed and no pool table were available so we decided to go to the arcade first... After half and hour or so, we went back to see whether there were any pool tables available and finally, there was one... Since it's been a week from now, I couldn't recall the scores but I could remember that Randy had 2 DQs and I had 1... After we played for more than 5 games of pool, my church homie finally could come as her meeting just ended so in the meantime, we continued on... I was surprised to see her alone as she said that her buddy would tag along but she ditched her for some reason but I was glad that she came in the end... Thanks Jocey =) ... So there were 3 of us, loser gets to sit and winner continued on... She was an opponent not to be messed... Both Randy and I lost to her and victorious she was... After that, we went to Ben and Jerry's as I owed her an ice cream treat... Well, since Randy was there too, I gave him a treat as well... She ordered chunky monkey, he ordered mango and I ordered chocolate fudge... When we were done, Jocey had to make a move to meet her friend as she had to pass shoes to her... Thanks for coming again, appreciate it... So Randy and I went back to play pool since we had nothing more to do till it was dinner time... When it was around 7pm, we decided to have our dinner at KFC which was really very crowded... After that, we went back home...

Last Sunday, there was still YMPACT but after that, they had Amazing Race... I didn't join them for a reason that now I can't seem to remember but anyway, after YMPACT service, my Mum and Sis wanted to eat porridge at Suntec City and since I did not join them; I decided to have lunch with them... We really missed the taste of the porridge there especially my Mum as she just loves it... After lunch, we walked around and then decided to have desserts at TCC and soon after that, we made our way home...

Last Monday and Tuesday, it was another day at the office again... I scanned over 200 policies and indexed around 200 policies...

Last Wednesday was a special day for me and all the rest of my classmates as it was, GRADUATION DAY!! I would never miss GRADUATION DAY so I took leave and went back to school... It's been a while now since I stepped into the school... Everybody was all dressed up from top to toe looking fabulous... It was great seeing you all again after so many months... It was a day not to be forgotten...

Now for Yesterday, I went back to work and I guessed that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed... I felt all tired and my boss noticed that and got scolded from her, hat trick... What a lousy day at work...

Now back to the present... Today, I took leave again as I wanted to go and apply for Poly... My Mum also took leave and went together with me to Temasek Polytechnic to apply for the JPAE... We were there early so we had to wait for another 15 minutes before it was opened for applicants... The application took less than an hour as there were only a number of applicants at that time... Everything went on smoothly... When we were leaving the Auditoria, the place was starting to get packed with applicants... Well, all I can do now is to pray and wait for my posting...

This is kind of a long post so take your time to read and since it's been a long time I inserted pictures in my posts, here's a few... But for now... This is JoNaThan... signing out*...



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