Tuesday, April 03, 2007

~~~~~The Park!!~~~~~

Actually for today, I planned to go to the gym but in the end I didn't... Anyway, I woke up at 2pm... Since I'm not working anymore; I've been waking up in the afternoon and thus, not having my breakfast... So, I decided to order McDonald's for lunch... After lunch, I was too full to even think about going to the gym... I decided to wait a few hours for it to digest fully and to see whether I still had time to go... My guess was right, I had no time to go to the gym as it was already 6pm and I had to go to my Grandparents' place for dinner at 7pm... There was no time for gym so, I went to my Grandparents' place instead and decided to go for a run at Sunplaza Park... I realised my stamina has dropped tremendously...

Well, after a tired run today; I guess I'll hit the sack early for tonight... I guess I need to start building up my stamina instead of sleeping in... But for now... This JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

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