Friday, May 11, 2007

~~~~~Out with the Old, In with the New~~~~~

Actually on Fridays I do not have to attend school but for today, it was needed... We had to go to school for our MS Excel Test and it was from 10:30am to 12:30pm...

After the test, I planned to go straight home as today was the day that I had been looking forward to this week but it had to be detoured... I was with Wei Ming, Jonathan Lee and Thong Poh and we were waiting for our bus 72 but then Wei Ming received a call from Ying Yi as she wanted help in carrying her laptop, which she just received this morning, as her arm was kind of injured... So we decided to go and help her out... We then waited for bus 72 again... Jonathan Lee didn't board the bus as he was waiting bus 45... We then reached Ying Yi's bus stop, and since we knew that her arm was in pain, we decided to carry it all the way to her house... It was a long journey but I was glad that we were much help to her as I guess she would be struggling if she was on her own... Anyway, after that, we decided to head to Hougang Mall to have our lunch... Thong Poh didn't join us as he had to meet his friends... After lunch, I took bus 72 with Wei Ming back to Tampines Interchange...

Finally; I could go and get my new bike... My Dad accompanied me to the bicycle shop nearby... We managed to trade in my old bike for 10 bucks... At least it's something right but anyway, I checked out the Haro bike there and it was way over my budget... It was 300 bucks... So in the end I bought a stunt bike, Leisure Neorider was its brand and it cost me half the price of the Haro bike... Thanks Dad for accompanying me... I just so love my new bike...

Well, that's about it... Now it's time for me to do some work... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

My Leisure Neorider

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