Saturday, September 06, 2008


This afternoon my family and I went to meet the entire family at Century Square, Koo Kee Dumpling & Ramen House, to celebrate my Grandma's Birthday...

First dish on our table was the birthday bun... My Grandma was delighted upon receiving hers as it was the biggest one among all... Sad to say, I didn't manage to take a picture of that as she decided to take it back home to eat... After that, Shark's Fin soup was being served... Followed up by Roasted Chicken, Seaweed Toufu, Vegetables, Giant Prawns, Shredded Pork with Flour Skin, Ramen and finished up with a Mango dessert... Everybody enjoyed the lunch and credits go out to my Mum for making the effort to get the manager to write up a wonderful menu for all of us... Thanks Mum!!

This evening, I went for Life Group... We are going more and more in depth into the book of Revelation and knowing what will happen during the end times, as what is said in the Holy Bible... After that, a number of us went out to Chin Chin Restaurant to have our dinner... Guess what?? It was a CHICKENRICE restaurant!!! I found it so delicious that I had three plates of rice, chickenrice flavour... We ordered the Steam Chicken, Veggies, Pork Chop and Potatoe and Pork Balls... Unfortunately, we didn't manage to avoid the rain... We got drenched on the way back home...

Well, that's the update for today... What a day... One last thing... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!! May God Bless You and May All Your Wishes Come True... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Grandma's Birthday
Birthday Bun

Grandma's Birthday
Those leaves look like jelly, but it's not

Grandma's Birthday
Mango Dessert

Grandma's Birthday
Finale of the lunch

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