Sunday, October 26, 2008

~~~~~Snap Snap!!~~~~~

A week just passed by in a blink of an eye... O Levels have already started and going to end in a few weeks' time... Polytechnic students have all gone back to school to start a brand new semester and the hectic and stressful periods will come flying in even before you can take a single breath...

Yesterday was a great session during my camera class, that was held in church in the morning... Our instructor showed us the pictures he took around Singapore and in Switzerland... He greatly inspired us on how to be creative and portraying a meaning behind the picture...
After that, I went back to church at late noon to attend my Small Group Bible Study Session... I was the one leading and the topic was, Role of the Women, found in 1 Timothy 2:9-15...
In summary, Paul's letter to Timothy was to tell the church at Ephesus that some of the women in the church were leading lives of impurity and their inappropriate behaviour carried over into the worship services of the church... Also under the guise of coming together to worship, these women were calling attention to themselves and proving to be a serious distraction to the rest of the body... In short we should always be drawing our attention to God, by worshipping Him, and not to ourselves...

This morning, I had to be in church early as I was on duty... I was manning the video mixer today and my partner was manning the sound mixer... It went well throughout and we had Holy Communion after our Reverend Doctor Jonathan Seet's Sermon...
After that, I went with my Mum and Sis for lunch... I went to meet up with Randy after lunch to have a few games of pool... We made our way to Katong and played about 25 games of pool, almost up to 4 hours there... The final score was, 13 - 9... It was nevertheless a close match but he still managed to get 4 points more than me... We then made our way back to Tampines to have our dinner... We actually intended to dine at KFC but just by looking at the queue, we decided to dine at MacDonald's at Tampines Mall...

Well, that's the update for the entire week... Do enjoy the pictures I'm about to post... To all, God bless and take care... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Petecost Methodist Church
The Sanctuary

Natural Beauty

This is called, Panning shot... No editing required

Childhood times

Notice Board

Game time


Void Deck
No Soccer, No Skateboarding, No Littering, No Motor-biking

The sky is the limit

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

~~~~~Out with the TEENS~~~~~

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I FINALLY TURNED 20!! Out with the teen, in with the ty...

Last Sunday, my family gave me a lunch treat at Grand Hyatt Hotel... We had our buffet lunch at Straits Kitchen... It was one super delicious meal... I could hardly move after eating that much... I started off with Chicken Rice, Prata, Carrot Cake, Satay, Popiah and Mee Goreng... Finished up with desserts which were, Oneh Oneh, Pineapple Tarts and Red Kueh...

Today was my actual Birthday... I sincerely would like to thank all my friends who wished me today as it really made my day... After school today, I went to meet my Mum and Sis at Century Square... They gave me a dinner treat at Jack's Place... I really missed that place... Thank You for giving me such a wonderful Birthday treat, Mum and Sis...

Well, most importantly, I thank the Lord for bringing me to this earth and always being by my side for these 20 years and ongoing... Enjoy the pictures and may God bless all... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Samantha's and My Birthday during Small Group

One Way Jesus

Camera Class
Taken during camera class

Grand Hyatt Hotel
My Birthday Lunch Treat

Straits Kitchen
Straits Kitchen in Grand Hyatt Hotel

Birthday Lunch
Time for me to go and eat

Birthday Lunch

Birthday Lunch

Birthday Cake
Right after lunch
Cookies and Cream Cake @
Grandparents' House

Same cake as before but bigger


Friday, October 03, 2008

~~~~~Goodbye Is Hard To Say~~~~~

Judging from the title you may think it is some relationship or something but to tell you the truth, it is nothing of that sort...

Today was the last day of work for me... After spending 2 weeks in Imaging Department and the next 2 weeks and 2 days in the Giro Department, I really exposed myself to different environments... People may say that this is called "level up" but I felt that it's more than that... It's about knowing more what's going on around the entire office... When I was working in the Imaging Department, I had no idea what was the difference between each policies but when I was brought over to the Giro Department, I learned more and it got interesting day by day...

Well, I'm really going to miss all my friends and colleagues... Yesterday's lunch was memorable and rare for me as we, 4 of us, ate at Subway... Today's lunch was cheap but still memorable as it will be a long while before I will go back to Hong Lim Complex to have my lunch there again... Take care of yourselves there and life is great... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

The only card to get you in

Last tea and accompanied with a breath-taking view

A pillow that was with me these last two days, thanks to a colleague