Friday, October 03, 2008

~~~~~Goodbye Is Hard To Say~~~~~

Judging from the title you may think it is some relationship or something but to tell you the truth, it is nothing of that sort...

Today was the last day of work for me... After spending 2 weeks in Imaging Department and the next 2 weeks and 2 days in the Giro Department, I really exposed myself to different environments... People may say that this is called "level up" but I felt that it's more than that... It's about knowing more what's going on around the entire office... When I was working in the Imaging Department, I had no idea what was the difference between each policies but when I was brought over to the Giro Department, I learned more and it got interesting day by day...

Well, I'm really going to miss all my friends and colleagues... Yesterday's lunch was memorable and rare for me as we, 4 of us, ate at Subway... Today's lunch was cheap but still memorable as it will be a long while before I will go back to Hong Lim Complex to have my lunch there again... Take care of yourselves there and life is great... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

The only card to get you in

Last tea and accompanied with a breath-taking view

A pillow that was with me these last two days, thanks to a colleague

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