Wednesday, April 28, 2010

~~~~~Thank you!~~~~~

Thank you goes out to those who understand what I'm going through. Those who don't get it, thanks for your words of "wisdom" but I guess you're still young and don't really understand.
Anyway, it's enough thinking about the past. I don't really care anything to do with the affairs of the heart for the time-being.

Today my colleagues and I went to dine at Sushi Don, which is located at Funan DigitaLife Mall. It was a rare occasion to have lunch there as for this case, it was one of my colleagues birthday. We didn't get any cake for him so in the end; we just placed a candle on his fruits for him to make a wish and to blow the flame out.

My last weekend was alright as I managed to find time to go for a swim on Sunday. I almost didn't get that chance as it was raining but when I reached the swimming complex, it had already stopped. I was glad that I had that swim as sometimes, it's the only place where I can hear my heart and where I can just be with myself. I was kind of disappointed as I only swam 18 laps instead of 20, due to the discomfort I felt on my right foot. I guess I pulled a muscle or got a cramp while walking away to avoid on-coming swimmers. Besides, I was pissed off as there were so many people and they weren't following the instructions of swimming in the middle. They didn't make any lanes available for a few of us to swim to the other end as they were taking up all the lanes. They just kept on blocking the few of us who really wants to swim. I mean it's a public pool. The least the inconsiderate people could do is not to take up so many lanes to "play water" or to chat.

Well, that's about my past week was like. Tomorrow is Thursday and it is 1 day closer to FRIDAY! I really hope that I can find a chance to watch IP Man 2 and Iron-Man 2. Anybody who is planning to watch it over the weekend, do leave me a tag or something. Thanks.

To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Friday, April 23, 2010

~~~~~Tired Friday~~~~~

This week was such a drag. There were meetings almost every day and each meeting lasted for 3-4 hours. Finally, today's meeting lasted only for an hour as it was more like a debriefing.

Last Tuesday, 3 days ago, my LG and I met up at VivoCity to celebrate Jocey's 21st birthday in advance. We had dinner at 'The Queen & Mangosteen' and then dessert at 'Max Brenner'. We shared a chocolate waffle ice-cream and chocolate fondue. I reached home slightly before 12am.

Sometimes whenever I'm on the train, bus or wherever, I really envy those couples. This is especially to those ones who are so loving and not the "show-off" kind. How I miss those times I had, which I find hard to grasp upon it now. Oh well, I seriously don't know what to do anymore. The harder I try, the more my heart aches. I regret not giving chase for you but I'm glad that we are good friends. Even if it stays that way forever, I accept it but my heart still aches for some reason. I guess that I feel jealous at how easily you can get into a relationship as for I, find it hard to do so now. It's such an emotional night tonight.

To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Monday, April 19, 2010

~~~~~Monday blues...~~~~~

Currently at the moment, I am just sitting in a meeting. I can't use the system now so I have decided to do a quick update.

Two days ago, Saturday, I attended my Grand Aunt's Memorial Service at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral with my Mum and Sis alongside. It was my first time going to that Cathedral. There were quite a number of her relatives attending the service. RIP Grand Aunt, may you live happily in paradise with God our Father. Thereafter, we went for a Nasi Padang lunch at Rendezvous Hotel.

Yesterday, I attended the 11am Contemporary Service as it was Shui Min's baptism. I only came to know about it when I went for the YMPACT Service earlier in the morning. It so happened that I brought along my DSLR and I took the opportunity to take photos of the memorial and special event. Soon after that, I went to meet up with Randy to have a few games of pool at Katong. We also decided to have a few rounds of L4D2, Pah! Game, where it is located at Parkway Centre. At around 7:30pm, we headed down to WhiteSands to have our dinner at McDonald's.

I just hope this week passes fast for I just sat through a 3 hour meeting and I WANT TO GO HOME!! I hope that I can go soon as I have to update the machines first.


To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Friday, April 16, 2010

~~~~~IT'S FRIDAY!!~~~~~

FINALLY IT'S FRIDAY ONCE MORE!! Weekends are in a few minutes time from now. The time of rest, no stress, is here once again.

Work was tiring. It'll be an understatement if anybody's work is an easy one. No matter how easy it may sound or seen, it'll be a different story if you are the one doing it too. So far for me, this week was whole lot better than last week. Even though I stayed till 7pm, as I was updating the server, I didn't feel like I was dragging my body to the MRT station like last week. Maybe the weather was the key? But anyway, I guess this coming week, is going to be an extremely stress one as I have to finish up a project. The worst thing is that, I don't even know when I have to present it to the client. So I have to get it done ASAP, starting Monday.

Yesterday's lunch was a good one as I met up with Lester, at Raffles City, to have Burger King. It has been months since I ate at that fast food outlet. We finally managed to catch up with one another, even though we could do that over MSN or other ways, face to face is much more sincere and polite. Meet up again dude once you graduate.

I hope that all of you are enjoying cooling night and have a nice sleep.

To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

~~~~~It was good while it lasted~~~~~

It has been a long time since I enjoyed my weekends.

Yesterday, I went out with Randy for a few hours of pool at POMO. At the end of the many games, we had to pay 40 bucks. It wasn't that worth it as it was $10.80 per hour but at least it was still cheaper than Cineleisure's K Pool, which was $12.80 per hour. The score was as expected. It was 10:4. You can make a guess who was the one who got the 10 wins. After that, we made our way down to Downtown East to have our dinner at Superdog.

Today was also great as youth service (aka: YMPACT) was great. I also had a fun time entertaining Kaylee, Jocey's niece, when we were drawing on my iPod Touch Whiteboard application. After lunch, I went to assist my Mum with her Primary 1 Sunday School kids. Thereafter, I decided to go for a swim. While on the bus, I decided to take a nap but only to realise that I was at Bedok Reservoir when I awoke. I had missed my stop, which was supposed to be opposite Century Square, where I could take a short walk to the Tampines Swimming Complex. I was happy and proud of myself as I completed 22 laps, in the Olympic size pool, within 1 hour and 30 minutes instead of 2 hours like I normally do. I did 11 laps of breaststroke and 11 laps of freestyle.

It was a weekend that I had been wanting for a long time. I was glad that it wasn't raining at all during my swim. =D

To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThan, signing ouT*.

Friday, April 09, 2010


THE WEEKENDS ARE HERE!! I am just so happy that it is the weekends again. I finally get to chill two days in a row. Work was alright today as there was not much tension in the room today. I also left earlier than yesterday, which was around 7pm. I felt that today, time passed by faster than usual. One of the reasons maybe was that, we went to have our lunch only at 2pm. The other reason may have been that we were so busy that time just passed by us. It wasn't the "extremely stress" busy but, it can be the "just get it done as it is Friday" busy. If you get what I mean, it means that you treasure your weekends like I do.

It was such a coincidence that I happened to bump into my Mum when I was on the way home although she was on the train before mine. We went home together and decided to order McDonald's for dinner thereafter.

To all, God bless and take care. Enjoy your weekends!

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

~~~~~Calm before the storm~~~~~

This morning was slightly better as it wasn't as intense as yesterday. Although I only arrived home at 9.30pm, I wasn't feeling as bad as yesterday. Maybe I was kind of used to the tension due to yesterday's outcome.

To those of you, who are keen to go to work and earn yourselves lots of money, don't be as you have to enjoy your youth while you still can. By the time you reach your 30s or after, you'll be working everyday and wouldn't be able to find the time to chill out. There will be tons of commitments on hand and learning to prioritise is as crucial as ever. After this week, I see things from a different perspective and would prefer to concentrate on my studies, after serving in the NS (National Service), instead of working and studying part-time.

That's about it for today and I just hope for a better day tomorrow since it is TGIF (Thank God It's Friday) tomorrow.

To all, God bless and take care.

This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

~~~~~BAD DAY!~~~~~

This morning was a morning that I would like to forget or at least, not to experience it again. All of us at work got shot down like a machine gun and sadly, I was the first to get it. Sighs. What a lousy Wednesday it was.

I really need to put this behind me and hope for the best tomorrow.

To all, God bless and take care. This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.

Monday, April 05, 2010

~~~~~G.A.G 2010~~~~~

Last Friday, we woke up at 9am to attend the TGIGF (Thank God Is Good Friday) service. The sermon was about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. He came down from Heaven as a man, suffered, carried all of our sins upon His shoulders and sacrificed Himself on the cross so that we will be cleansed from our sins and we can communicate with God. This demonstrated the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Side story to that, Reverend VG shared with us about the unconditional love of a mother for her child. Her child was badly burnt on the face and it was so extreme that, the skin could not recover by itself. The only choice her child had was that someone would kindly donate part of their skin. At the end of the day, the mother herself donated part of her skin to her child. Would you do that? Even for myself, would I be able to do so when the situation comes?

After service, I went for a briefing for G.A.G (God's Amazing Grace) as I was the game station master at Marina Square Starbucks. My partner was my good bro Kang Wei. We made our way there by car, since KW was driving, and waited at Starbucks. A couple of minutes later, we were informed that we were at the wrong Starbucks and went down to the right one after we finished our Mocha Frappe and Oreo Cheesecake. Overall, the event was a success and everyone had an enjoyable time. To view the pictures that I took for this event, go to my facebook album @

It wasn't the long 3-day weekend I dreamed of as I had to go down to work the next day, Saturday. Anyway for Sunday, I met up with Randy for lunch and dinner. Of course in between, we went to Katong for LAN. We actually wanted to play pool but, unfortunately, it was under renovation. That was the reason why we went LAN instead. It was great meeting up with him again as we could hardly find the right time to meet up due to our busy schedules.

Well, that's about for it for now. Work will be more hectic in the days to come. Today was already stressful and tiring as users are in and we have to be on our feet to assist as much as we can.

To all, God bless and take care. This is JoNaThAn, signing ouT*.