Sunday, September 04, 2005


I was informed last night that I had ushering duty this afternoon in church and I was going to be the program ic (similar to a host) and I had no choice but to inform my leader that I can't make it for this afternoon's ushering duty as today we had a family lunch... It is very hard for my father to be able to eat lunch with us on Sundays as he usually works on weekends so whatever plans my sister or I have, we have to cancel them and go out together as a family as we seldom get this chance to eat as one... So we decided to dine at "Soup Restaurant" in Century Square as my father wanted to try out their dishes there... It's the third time today that my mother, sister and I had dined in that restaurant and each time we came out, we were very satisfied with their dishes... So guess what my father said to us when he went out of the restaurant?? If you guessed that my father said that he was really happy dining there and it's worth eating there, you were right... After that, we went window shopping around the shops nearby and came back home...

Well, that's my day today folks and now I have to go... I'm gonna hit the sack real soon as well, I want to start sleeping early so bye for now you all... cya soon... ciao.............. so long and goodnight, so long and goodnight........... TaKe CaRe you folks out there yo... NiTeZz to all my real homies and fellow readers out there somewhere who visits my blogsite reading my posts about my daily activities... Thanks yo... but for now, this is JoNaThAn.... signing out*:)...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you, early to bed early to rise blah! blah! blah!