Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I want to wish everybody a blessed Merry Christmas... I really hope that all of you, who celebrated Christmas, had as much fun as I did... What is the true meaning of Christmas?? It's the time of giving and receiving?? Yes but not exactly... It is the day that Jesus Christ was born... Happy Birthday to JESUS!!

Last night, I went to my Aunt's place to celebrate Christmas Eve... It would usually be held at my Grandparents' place but since they're now staying at Aunt's place, it was held there... My two little cousins planned out a program list for all of us... It was kind of cute as they were the youngest and yet they're the ones organising it... Anyway, we had a buffet dinner which was prepared by my Aunt... I was filled to the brim... After that was the giving out of presents... We had so much fun and laughs but one thing I missed was the warmth from my Grandma... It's just not the same no matter how it is done... Although everybody had smiles on their faces, I can tell that my Grandma misses her home...

After resting for a while, my Mum, Sis and I made our way to the church for the Christmas Eve service... It was called, Cross Roads... We sang Christmas carols and there was a Christmas play put up for all of us to reflect upon... The whole sanctuary was filled with the Holy Spirit and what our Pastor preached on, after what was installed for us, really softened our hearts and made our tears flow down uncontrollably...

This morning, my Mum, Sis and I went for the 11am service... It was yet another good sermon preached by our Pastor... After that we went for lunch and we went to visit my Grandparents later on... We ate dinner there as my Aunt wanted us to stay for dinner... We later had to take a cab back home as we had to carry back all the presents from yesterday's...

Well, that's about it... I'm going to upload a video and a few pictures that I took during the Cross Roads service... Wishing all of you a blessed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Candles were given out after the sermon, Mum's candle

My candle

Cross Roads

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

~~~~~Chariots of Fire~~~~~

Here's a true story that my Pastor preached during sermon this morning...

The movie is based on the true story of two British athletes competing in the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris. Englishman Harold Abrahams (Ben Cross), who is Jewish, overcomes anti-Semitism and class prejudice in order to compete against the "Flying Scotsman", Eric Liddell (Ian Charleson), in the 100 metre race.

In 1919, Abrahams enters Cambridge University. He attempts and succeeds at the Trinity Great Court run, which involves running around the court before the clock finishes striking 12. Meanwhile, Liddell sees running as a way of glorifying God before travelling to China to work as a missionary. He represents Scotland against Ireland, and preaches a sermon on "Life as a race" afterwards.

At their first meeting, Liddell shakes Abrahams' hand to wish him well, then beats him in a race. Abrahams takes it badly, but Sam Mussabini (Ian Holm), a professional trainer that he had approached earlier, offers to take him on to improve his technique. However, this attracts criticism from the college authorities.

Eric's sister Jenny (Cheryl Campbell) worries he is too busy running to concern himself with their mission, but Eric tells her he feels inspired: "I believe that God made me for a purpose... (the mission), but He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure."

Despite pressure from the Prince of Wales and the British Olympic committee, Liddell refuses to run a heat of the 100 metres at the Olympics because his Christian convictions prevent him from running on Sunday. Liddell is allowed to compete in the 400 metre race instead. Liddell at church on Sunday is seen quoting Isaiah 40, verse 31:
'But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and be not weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.'

If you still don't understand what the story is about, here's a video to summarise everything... But before that... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...


Friday, December 21, 2007

~~~~~Project Meet Up~~~~~

Today my team members and I went back to school, even though we're on a break, to do our project... We stayed in school for about 2 hours... Although we didn't manage to complete what we planned to do but, we know what were the errors we made and we'll make sure it'll be perfect on the next meet up...

We set off around 5pm... I went to meet my Mum for dinner at Century Square... It was a surprise to see 3 of my NYP classmates there... After that, my Mum and I walked around the Pasar Malam nearby... I bought a name keychain, with my name on it, which was customised... I'll upload the picture later... The price of it really suits the quality and the design...

Well, it's time for me to chill out on my electric guitar for a while before hitting the sack... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...



Thursday, December 20, 2007

~~~~~Lunch Meet Up~~~~~

Before I start off I just want to wish all my Malay friends, Selamat Hari Raya Haji...

Although it was a holiday, I didn't spend my entire day slacking at home like somebody as I had a lunch appointment with my Small Group... We planned to meet at 12pm at Lavendar MRT Station first and we were going to have our lunch at Golden Mile Complex but, I was half an hour late as I couldn't leave my house due to the heavy downpour... When I arrived there, KK and Barry were the only ones there... I was the earliest among the latest, they said... So we sat there, waiting for Yong Wei and Marie to arrive... Marie came around 1pm... Followed up by Yong Wei who came at around 1:30pm... After that, we made our way there...

It was my first time going to Golden Mile Complex... We were introduced to a Thai Restaurant by Barry... We ordered around 4 to 5 dishes and it only costs us 71 bucks... It was really worth it... After that, we walked around for a few minutes before we went different directions...

I went to meet my Mum and Sis at Tampines Mall and then, we made our way to Hougang to visit my Grandparents... I felt so glad and happy to see that my Grandmother was feeling much better and stronger... I really thank the Lord and everyone who prayed for her...

Well, that's about it... Here are some photos for all... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

~~~~~Solid Rock Café~~~~~

It's been almost a month since I last blogged... I've been so busy with tests, projects and assignments that I couldn't find the time to update... Anyway, today was the start of my two-week study break... Many things have happened since my last post... Not only have I been occupied with studies and all, but also reality... Sometimes I feel that the stress in school is the only escape for me to take a break from reality... Those who know about my problem, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers, care and concern for my Grandmother... Without those, things wouldn't have gone the way it did... Just to update those who know, she's doing fine and is having a smooth recovery... I thank the Lord for being there with her and I sincerely thank all of you for your prayers, care and concern once more...

This morning I went to meet Randy, at noon time, to play pool at Downtown East NTUC Resort... We played until it was almost 4pm and the score was 6 - 5... This time, I got the 6... I'll always remember this date...

So anyway, we then made our way to my church for an event... I also invited Jeremy and Lester to come but Lester wasn't free... Randy and I then waited, in my church, for Jeremy to arrive... It was the first time that the both of them went to the chapel... We started off playing board games so we decided to play a card game with such huge cards... If I'm not wrong, we played "taiti"... Not sure of the spelling and of course money wasn't in the picture... We only played halfway as later we were told it was going to be used for props so we played a different game called, "Happy Feet"...

After a game, we went outside the chapel to have our dinner... Food was delicious... Don't say I never praise your choice of food, Jocey... Soon after that, we went back into the chapel to watch different bands performed that is part of YMPACT... While watching them, we also play another board game... Later on, there was a dance item put up by the dance team of YMPACT... They were great... To Jocey, you were amazing... There was also a skit catered to us that was very meaningful and really impacted our daily lives... The sermon that followed after that really closes the whole event of Solid Rock Cafe... Overall I really enjoyed myself... No wait, correction to that, we enjoyed ourselves there... I thank you, Jeremy and Randy, for coming and sharing the joy with me together with my brothers and sisters in Christ...

Well, what a way to start off my two-week study break after so much stress in school and in my daily life... Once again, I thank the Lord for being there with Grandmother and today's magnificent event... Thank You for Everything Dear Lord!!... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Jeremy, Randy, Me

Pictures taken on the rooftop of my church, Pentecost Methodist Church

More Pictures

Inside the chapel, it's bigger than you think it is

Sunday, November 18, 2007

~~~~~Busy Week~~~~~

This week was supposed to be our week off but in the end, on Wednesday and Thursday, I was involved in the orientation camp for the upcoming intake...

On Wednesday; I had to wake up at 8am in the morning as I was involved in the games section for the orientation camp... By the way this orientation camp was called, e3 camp... So anyway, I met up with the other game masters of the human-sized tic-tac-toe game which I was involved in... We discussed on the rules of the game and the forfeit too... Overall, we enjoyed ourselves at the end of the day.... The best part was the forfeit as we made them carry one of their own team mate and they had to walk and sing at the same time... Tiring but an enjoyable day...

On Thursday; I went to school to help out with the blogging and video workshop they had planned for them... I also stayed on to help out with the IT match... It was a race against time as all of them had questions that they had to hunt for in the school... Intense yet exciting...

On Friday; I wanted to go and see the finale of the e3 camp but unfortunately I had to head out to Ngee Ann City to collect my French book I ordered from school... What a waste...

For yesterday and today, I managed to finish my assignments that will be due tomorrow and Tuesday... Youth Service and Small Group were the only time I guess I felt relaxed after such a hectic week... Thank You Lord for comforting me in Your House...

Well, that's about it... Time for me to hit the books... Till next time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Thursday, November 08, 2007

~~~~~Happy Deepavali~~~~~

Monday was my Mum's birthday... My Sis and I decided to buy a cake and a present for her... My Sis was the one who bought the cake as I came home first since I was carrying my laptop... Thanks Sis for buying it on my behalf... I then decided to pay for the cake as a birthday present to my Mum... Happy Birthday Mum!! We will and always love you and from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for everything... We thank the Lord for giving us a Mum like you... Thank You Lord!! Thank You Mum!!

Tuesday was sadness to me as my Mum fell ill... I had to go to school and because of that, I couldn't accompany her to the doctor... I was so worried when I was in school... I was so relieved when I received her message that she was at home already... She was given 2 days' MC for her illness...

Wednesday was a short day in school but those who were involved in the e3 camp, orientation camp, had to stay in school for the Communication Skills test... I was one of them too and although we ended class at 10am, the test only started at 1pm... After the test, which was around 3pm, I went out with my Mum for an early dinner as I skipped lunch because I had a heavy breakfast...

This afternoon; I decided to go for a ride on my bike... It's been 2 weeks since I last rode it to the park... I rode for a few minutes before I came back home... Later after that, I went out with my Mum to NTUC to buy some extra dishes for dinner... My Dad was cooking dinner but there weren't enough dishes so we had to go and get some... What a scrumptious dinner... I think I can skip breakfast tomorrow...

Well, that's the update for the past four days... Almost forgot, I finally upgraded my handphone to Nokia 6120 classic... I'll be posting a picture of my phone and a few other pictures I took with it... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Nokia 6120 classic black
My new handphone

Nokia 6120 classic black
Taken with my new handphone

Nokia 6120 classic black
More Pictures

Nokia 6120 classic black
This picture was edited using my new handphone

Saturday, November 03, 2007

~~~~~Musical Memories~~~~~

Today, I woke up early on a Saturday... That's very rare for me to wake up at 11am on a Saturday... So since I'm awake, I decided to go out with my Mum for lunch as later on, she had to go to church for her Small Group... We went to Century Square to eat roti prata for lunch as we were already there, looking at handphones. Well, in the end, I didn't manage to get any handphone today but I guess it's no rush... After lunch, my Mum went to church and I went back home... Soon after that, I changed into my gym outfit and made my way to the tampines gym...

I worked out for about two hours before I came back home... After that, I decided to meet my Mum and Sis at church as there was an event called, Musical Memories... It really brought back beautifully memories from my Sunday School times... All the songs they sang were all meaningful and it'll be remembered now, and forever... Like the saying goes, you'll remember the songs you sang 10 years ago but not the sermon that was preached 10 years ago...

Well, before I end off, here's a verse to all... Matthew 6:34 says, Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, November 02, 2007

~~~~~Missing It~~~~~

This week had its ups and downs but finally, Friday is here... Just when I thought that this week would have no pure joy to it, I was wrong...

Today after school, I decided to visit my Grandparents at my Aunt's house... It wasn't just an ordinary visit... I received a sms from my little cousin that my Grandma was cooking laksa for dinner... I was looking forward to the end of school today as I really wanted to just go there and get the taste that I missed for many months... Dinner was served when my Mum came... Amazing!! My Grandma still had her skills intact although, she wasn't the one who actually cooked it... She taught my little cousin step by step and yet, I could feel the taste that came from my Grandma's cooking... It was a dinner that would leave memories, happy ones...

Well, I guess at the end of the day, everything would brighten up after the storm... Thank You Grandma... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Sunday, October 21, 2007


It's obvious isn't it?? Finally I'm officially 19 and in 2 years time, I can say goodbye to teenage life... Now I'm making myself sounding like I want to grow old faster... Well, back to what went on for today...

Straight after church service this morning, my family and I made our way down to Orchard... My Mum decided to give my Dad, as his birthday is tomorrow, and I a treat at the Grand Hyatt Hotel... The restaurant is called, Straits Kitchen... It was one scrumptious lunch treat... There was a wide variety of choices to choose from... Thank You Mum for the wonderful birthday lunch treat...

After that, my Dad decided to head home first as he was tired while we went to Hougang to cut my cake at my Aunt's place as I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my Grandparents... It was a priceless sight to see my Grandmother smiling away as I was cutting my cake...

Soon after eating the cake, we had to come back home to cut another cake as to celebrate my Dad's birthday and mine together...

Well, what can I say?? I would like to thank my family for making it such a blessed birthday and I would also like to thank my friends for the birthday wishes... Lastly, I would like to thank the Lord for letting me celebrate my birthday with such joy... So anyway, I have to hit the sack real soon as I have a lecture at 8am tomorrow... I'll let the pictures do the talking... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

My 19th Birthday
Grand Hyatt

My 19th Birthday
Straits Kitchen

My 19th Birthday
Straits Kitchen

My 19th Birthday
Straits Kitchen

My 19th Birthday
Me and My Grandmother

My 19th Birthday
My Birthday Cake

Saturday, October 13, 2007

~~~~~Good Game~~~~~

I had a hard time waking up this morning as I was DOTA-ing last night... In the end, I woke up at 12pm and I was meeting Randy to play pool later... I decided to skip breakfast and went down to Downtown East NTUC Resort to have lunch with my Mum and Sis... We decided to eat the chicken rice at the foodcourt... After our delicious lunch, we had our desserts at Ben's and Jerry's... Soon after, Randy showed up and my Mum and Sis went off...

It was a good game indeed... In the end, the score was 12 - 5... After that, we made our way to Tampines Mart to have our dinner at MacDonald's... We crapped so much that those people who were sitting near us, thought we were mad or something... Home sweet home after that...

Well, today was a good day to end off my holidays before school reopens in 2 days time... Thanks dude for the good game and making me laugh my heart out... But for now... It's time for me to play my PS2 before hitting the sack... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, October 12, 2007

~~~~~3 Days Before~~~~~

Today I woke up extremely early... Usually, during the holidays, I would never wake up before 8am and adding to that I haven't been feeling well this entire week but today was different... I decided to go for my CCA, ACE... Let's just start off with; I was late as I met up with a few of my friends before setting off to school... Much to our surprise, we weren't late... So the leaders there decided to test out their ice-breaker games on us before actually using it for the upcoming orientation camp... It started off dull but there were some excitement that picked up when it came to our third game onwards... Lunch was after that... It's been a month since I ate at the school's MacDonald's... We went to buy our books after that...

That wasn't the end of it... We still had to attend a briefing and we had some hands-on as we have to teach the "new fish" when they come for their orientation... We proceeded on to the games for the orientation day later after that... Discussed until it was 4pm before we were dismissed... I decided to come back home after that, instead of going elsewhere, as I was tired out for the day...

Well, I find that it wasn't as boring as I expected it to be... Overall, I feel that it's a learning experience for all of us and we should pass this down to those kids that we'll be teaching on that day... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*....

Friday, September 21, 2007

~~~~~Autograph Session~~~~~

Today I went to meet up with Jeremy at Tampines Interchange... We then made our way to Somerset and waited for Lester and Zhao Yi as we planned to have lunch together... When they arrived, we decided to dine at Yoshinoya in Cineleisure...

Anyway, the reason why Jeremy and I were at Orchard area as there was an autograph session of Chris Daughtry at The Heeren... So after lunch, we made our way to The Heeren to check out the queue... There were a number of kids who were already queuing but the line wasn't that long... We had an hour to waste before the autograph session so, we went to do some window shopping... I realised that I had nothing for them to sign on so I bought the Daughtry CD from HMV... Lester and Zhao Yi didn't stay for the autograph session as they had some unfinished work to settle so they went back home...

Jeremy and I then started to join in the queue... Caylynn also showed up later on... Finally, they had arrived and the queue was starting to move... It was pretty fast before it was our turn... After the autograph session was over, Jeremy and I walked all the way to City Hall to waste more time... When evening came, Jeremy had to go to church and I had to meet up with my Mum for dinner...

Well, that's about it... Time for me to play my new game, True Crime: New York City... Here are some pictures taken today... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...






Saturday, September 08, 2007

~~~~~Out for Pool~~~~~

Yesterday, I finally went to get my bike's hand grips changed and my hands are just; loving it... After getting it changed, I rode to Sunplaza Park... I rode a few rounds before heading back home... Later in the evening, I went for my bible study... It's been quite a while since I last attended and I was surprised that we were doing the last study on the book of Revelation... Since it was the last study, we then agreed that we would do on the book of Genesis next... I went back home instead of staying for supper...

Today, I met up with Randy to play pool at Downtown East NTUC Resort... We started at around 2pm and ended around 6pm... The score was 12 - 8... Well, at least I got more than a 5... Anyway for dinner, we went to Eastpoint for some KFC... We walked around the mall for a while but then, Randy couldn't find what he wanted to get so we came back to Tampines to search for it... We went to Century Square first... In the end, he found out that he could only get it next week so we walked around to waste time as it was only around 8pm... We bought an external charger, from Tampines Mall, for 26 bucks... Next was, home...

Well, time for me to play some games before hitting the sack... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, August 31, 2007


Since my last post, I haven't been going out lately as I had bought two games to keep me entertained at home... Those two games are, Devil May Cry 3 and Onimusha 2... Currently, I'm playing Devil May Cry 3... So far, it's an action-packed game... I thought that the computer graphics during the game play mode and movie scenes would be different but to my surprise, both were designed the same... Don't be fooled by the title of the game... It's not some kind of "evil" game or whatsoever... Here's a picture of the two games...

Devil May Cry 3 Onimusha 2
Devil May Cry 3            Onimusha 2

Just now, I went to watch a movie with my friends... We planned to watch Ratatouille at the 3:50pm timeslot, of Golden Village in Tampines Mall, but there weren't enough seats as there were eight of us... So in the end, we bought the tickets that were at the next timeslot which was at 4:25pm... The whole movie was extremely comedic, no doubt about it... Although I've seen the making of the movie but after seeing it on the big screen, I have to say, the computer graphics were just amazing... It looked so real that you can only imagine how long they took just to make this film... In conclusion, I'll rate this movie 5 out of 5 stars... Don't think it'll be a waste of money because it's worth every cent of it after you leave the theatre... After that, we went to have our dinner at Century Square... We thought at first that we had time to go to town after dinner but we were wrong... Right after dinner, the mood wasn't the "going out mood" so we decided to head back home...

Overall, I enjoyed myself today and I hope you all did too... But for now, it's gaming time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...


Monday, August 27, 2007

~~~~~PROJECT: ENJOY!!~~~~~

Finally!! After all the late nights and not going out at all, the time to wind down and enjoy is here...

This morning, I went to seat for my last module paper for my course... I was just glad that it's all over and I did the best I could and whatever results I will receive, I will not have any regrets... My friends and I then went to have lunch at North Canteen... I went to order roti prata with my two other friends... I ordered the chocolate and cheese prata... What a way to celebrate after all the stress... After that, I planned to go to the gym but found out later that it was ladies hour from 2pm to 4pm... So I decided to come back home and just well, relax...

At around 4:30pm, I went for a ride on my bike... It's been months since I last rode it... I had been planning to change the hand grip for quite a while but just couldn't find the time so I went to check out the shop nearby... Unfortunately, it was closed... So I went to another shop just to pump my tires... After that, I rode from my house to Sunplaza Park... At around 5:30pm, I came back home... It was a nice weather to be riding as it rained earlier and the cool breeze was hitting gently on my face while I was riding...

Just now, I went to meet my Mum at Hougang Mall for dinner... After that, we went to visit my Grandmother... She was so delighted to see us there as she knew that today was my last paper... We stayed there for an hour or so talking to my Grandmother before we made our way back home...

Well, for now it's time for me to start planning what should I do with my holidays... But first things first, it's game time... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

~~~~~Nice Time~~~~~

The whole morning, I slept in again... At around 2pm, I woke up to eat my breakfast/lunch... Straight after that, I headed in to my books... I studied until it was 5pm then I decided to get my hair cut at Simei... Since I was outside, my Mum decided that we eat out... So after my hair cut, I walked around East Point while waiting for her arrival... I wanted to find a bag to keep the size that's around my digital camera but I couldn't find one that fits my expectations... So I called Randy to check where he bought his as what I want is something he had shown me before... Surprisingly, he was also around East Point and was having dinner with his girlfriend... I then went to pay them a visit... We talked a bit but then I left as well, you know the answer... My Mum was finally at Simei and then we went to have our dinner... We came home straight after that as it was getting late...

Now you must be wondering... What am I doing at this time of hour?? Well I was studying but at around 12am, I wanted to loosen up so I went to dota with my friends... Bad choice isn't it?? So anyway, it's time for me to hit the sack... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

~~~~~STUDY TIME!!~~~~~

This week is the start of the study break for the upcoming exams... Fortunately, I only got to sit for two papers for the exams...

Yesterday I went to school at 9:30am for an extra Computing Mathematics tutorial... It was kind of slow paced but it was fairly clear to understand... It ended at 12pm and I went to have lunch with my classmates who attended... Soon after lunch, we thought of going to the library to study but in the end, we decided to head back home...

When we reached Tampines, I went to get my calculator battery changed... On the way there, we saw two of our classmates around the area... We went to chill out at KFC for a few hours... With all the stress that we all are going through at this point of time, it's good to laugh it out loud together just to loosen up...

As for today, I decided to sleep in... I woke up at around 1pm and then had my very late breakfast... Soon after that, I headed in straight to my books...

Well, that's about it... Now it's time for me to hit the sack... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

~~~~~NIGHT SAFARI!!~~~~~

WOW!! What an exciting night out I had with my Small Group... I just came back from the Night Safari and to be honest, it was my first time there... Before I get all excited over the time I spent there, I will start from the very beginning...

At around 2pm, I met up Jocey and Barry at Tampines Interchange... From there, we headed to Republic Polytechnic to, waste time... You must be wondering, Night Safari starts in the night and it's not even close to RP but why were we there?? The Small Group planned to have dinner in RP but thanks to Jocey, we were there extremely early... Since we were there, we went to find Marie, Darryl and Shui Min... In the end, we only managed to find Marie as the dudes were not in school... We chilled out till around 6pm and then we went to the restaurant, in RP, to meet up with KK and Zeyi... The rest came later on... Thanks KK and Zeyi for the scrumptious dinner...

Straight after dinner, we made our way to the Night Safari... There were 9 of us in total so we had to split up to make our way there... KK was driving so Zeyi, Jocey, Marie and Barry went there in his car... That leaves Darryl, Shui Min, Yong Wei and I to make our way there by taxi...

To much surprise, all of us were there at the same time... The place was so crowded that we could not even find the queue... But then, we realised that was the queue for purchasing the tickets... After the long wait; we made our way to the animal show and we had to queue up again, for around 30 minutes, to wait for them to clear out as the next show was at 8:30pm... It was entertaining and the animals were all well trained... After that, we went for the night walk... It was pretty dark as I couldn't see myself... We went on a ride on the tramp next... It was kind of cool as we get the see the animals up close... Only one deer came close to me, I think it was if I saw it right... It was around 11:30pm when the ride ended... Next up, Home Sweet Home... KK offered to give us a lift so I went in this time and Marie went with the 3 dudes as they all live in Pasir Ris...

Now here I am, back home, all worn out... Well, here's a picture to end things off... On behalf of the Small Group, I Thank You KK and Zeyi for everything... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Bottom Left to Right: Jocey, Marie, Zeyi, Barry
Top Left to Right: Darryl, KK, Me, Shui Min, Yong Wei


Sunday, August 05, 2007


Today was not an ordinary Sunday... It was my Sis's Birthday!! So straight after church service this morning, we made our way to Merchant Court at Clarke Quay to celebrate... My parents were the ones treating...

It was a buffet lunch and I ate to the brim... All of us enjoyed our fulfilling lunch... Thank You Mum and Dad!! After that, we went to visit my grandmother at my Aunt's house... My Dad didn't tag along so he went back home instead...

Before we went there, we went to Hougang Mall to get a birthday cake for my Sis... My Mum paid for it and my Sis's choice was the Strawberry cake... We then brought it up to my Aunt's house... My Sis blew the candles and cut the cake in front of all of us and just seeing everybody so happy on this day, is priceless, especially coming from my grandmother... We then sat down and chatted for a few hours before heading back home...

We bought another cake on the way back as my Dad wasn't there at my Aunt's house so, my Sis had to do the same routine again at home...

Happy Birthday to you, Sis... Hope you had a wonderful time like I did... May God Bless You and May All Your Wishes Come True!! This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Made using a satay stick and chocolate fondue

My Birthday Present to you Sis Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 03, 2007

~~~~~Movie Time!!~~~~

I've been considering when should I watch, "The Simpsons Movie", but I couldn't find anyone to watch with but lucky for me, Lester haven't watched it... We decided to watch it at Ang Mo Kio Hub...

We managed to reach there in time as we thought that the next movie was at 5pm but the fact was that, it was at 5:15pm... We met up, bought our tickets and popcorn and got into the theatre in time...

The whole movie was hilarious... Well, the fire-starter of the whole movie was the pig that Homer Simpson brought back... If you want to know more, just go and watch it... I'm not going to be a spoiler... We went to have our dinner at Mos Burger after that...

Well, that's about it fellow readers... More to come on Sunday as it's my Sis's Birthday... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

~~~~~Looking Back~~~~~

It's time for me to get this blog updated so here I am again, after almost a month... Many things had happened since my last post... I've been so busy with projects, tests and family matters to settle that I didn't even have the time to blog...

So anyway, yesterday I went to crash TP to meet Jocey for lunch... She recommended me to taste the Fish and Chips at Mensa, if I'm not wrong... It was supposed to be at Jupiter but it was so packed so Mensa was the alternative choice... I have to say, bestie, you really got good taste... Thanks for the introducing me that Fish and Chips... I don't mind going there to have lunch again... After that she went for lessons and I was off to Simei to get my hair cut and of course if I'm at Simei, I would get myself some waffles... Then back home I was...

This morning I woke up early... It's a Saturday and yet I woke up early as I had to do a group project and after that, I had to visit my grandmother so I had to really sort out my timings right... So I went to one of my group member's place to discuss and to do our project... I went to visit my grandmother at around 6pm to 8pm... My Mum and Sis were there way before me... My Aunt had cooked curry and bee hoon for all us... Thank you Aunt for a delightful dinner... Soon after that, we made our way home in 72 back to Tampines Interchange and finally, home sweet home...

Things are finally straightening out and I am glad that everything has settled down... It's been a rough month but without your help, I think I may just get a breakdown... Thank You... THANK YOU LORD!! This is JoNaThaN... signing out*...

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Well, not every week would turn out the way you planned it to be... Not every week can be fun and joyous all day... When more important things come into your life, the choice is yours to neglect or pursue... For me, I pursued it... Those of you who know what I'm talking about, I thank you for showing your care and concern... I just hate the feeling of being hanged in between, whether there's really a problem or not... What else can I do to ease your pain?? O Lord, please bless her and grant her the strength she used to have as You can see now that she's suffering... I hate feeling so helpless and the most I can do for her is to only cheer her up and help her with what she could do on her own previously...

Well, school is starting tomorrow and I hope that I could keep my mind off on what I'm worried about... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

~~~~~Fun and Tired Week!!~~~~~

WOW!! I just came back from greatest youth concert I ever been to at the Singapore Expo... Before I elaborate more on that; let me tell you where I was at the past two days...

Yesterday, Thursday, I went back to school although it's my holiday week... What's the reason I went back for?? Well, I went back for my school camp... To be exact, it's a leadership training camp called "ACE"... To be honest, I regretted going for it at first but I was wrong in the end... As we got into our groups, we had to appoint a team leader and come out with a team name and cheer... Let me tell you what we called ourselves... We were called "The Cougars"... Our group consisted 14 of us in all... Anyway, after that, we had to come out with a theme for our lunch before we could even dine in... We thought of a jungle theme... Finally, when the judges commented on our theme, we could actually get our hands on the food... After lunch, we played 5 or 6 games and it was a team challenge... The games I enjoyed the most were, the tossing of the bouncing ball into a cup, the tossing of the water bombs using trash bags and "body surf"... For the first two games, the lesson learnt from it was, working together as a team and learning how to synchronise our movements... We had dinner after that... As for the "body surf", we had to carry one person as a team and answer questions while we were at it... It was so exhausting as if whenever we got the answer wrong, we had to carry two persons... The lesson that we learnt from this game was that we win together, we die together... At the end of the day, all of us were longing for a bath... At 9:30pm, it was finally home sweet home for us but the following day, we had to report at 9am... Great work team... I enjoyed myself very much and I hope you all do too... GO COUGARS!!

This morning, Friday, we started off with the famous game every game will have... It was the bombing game... After that, our instructor combined us with another team for the next game... So it was originally 6 teams and now there were 3 teams and the game was, finding 3 packs of poker cards around the school... Well, of course not the entire school but only three blocks in the school... We then set off finding the cards... When we assembled back, our instructor questioned us, "Was it a competition?" We were all ashamed as all of us assumed it was a competition... We all should create a win-win situation and not "sabo", meaning doing something that will do harm to that individual, people... So after that, we had our lunch... Soon after that, we had our last game of the day... A battleship game in which when the opponent's boat had been shot, three of their team members had to come to the front and they'll be filled with an ice cube each and when their boat sank, they would be drenched with ice water... Well, but whenever our team shot their mines, we would suffer the same fate but 5 of us would be drenched with ice water and not 3... What a way to end off the entire camp... I was supposed to stay back for a few minutes for debriefing but I rushed off for home first...

Now for the Planetshakers Concert... It was hosted by New Creation Church by the way... Anyway, Planetshakers were awesome... Thanks to Jeremy; Lester, Jocey and I could go... Thanks dude... This was my first time seeing them live in action... Senior Pastor Joseph Prince was the preacher for the evening... His sermon was on receiving abundance of grace and gifts of righteousness... He gave his sermon in a very strong impacted manner that even non-believers and even believers, like us, would be touched and inspired... After that, Jeremy, Lester, Jocey and I went Simpang Bedok to have our dinner, prata... What a great ending to my two strenuous days at ACE camp... Thanks Lester for coming... Thank You Jocey for coming, even though it was kind of last minute... THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS!! =D

Well, this is a long post readers so do take your time to read it... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...



~Senior Pastor Joseph Prince~

Sunday, June 10, 2007

~~~~~DRIFT TIME!!~~~~~

This morning turned out to not what I had in mind... Since today we had no Small Group session, I planned on going to Downtown East NTUC Resort to play pool with them but in the end they had other plans... I still ate lunch with them but that was it...

After that I decided to call Randy to check whether he was free and guess what, he was free... So I went back home to grab my bike to meet him... When he arrived, we went to a nearby bicycle shop as I wanted to check my bike first before riding all the way there... We tried riding the longer way and that was a really bad idea of mine...

Anyway, we didn't have a hard time getting a table as there weren't many people around... It was one exciting match and the final score was 13 - 3... It was a good game and no doubt about it but no matter how many times I played with Randy, I'm still not up to his level yet... Well, the important thing was that we had lots of fun and not the score... Later on; we rode, the shorter way, back to Tampines Mall to eat our dinner at Burger King... We made our way home after that... Thanks dude for today and for accompanying me back too...

Well that's about it readers... Hope that you enjoyed your weekends and to all those who are having their holidays, do enjoy them as much as you can... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

J's & R's Stuntbikes

Saturday, June 09, 2007


It's been 6 weeks of great time studying more into the word of God... Every Saturday spent in church at the Alpha Course was memorable but all has to come to an end... I just came back from the Alpha Course Graduation Dinner and I got to say this, I'll definitely miss those sharing sessions we had... Although the group I was in was the smallest but we grew closer week by week... I really have to mention about the video they showed to us every week... It was inspiring and meaningful as the way he projects it to us, it was easy to understand and he gave very down to earth logical examples which can be related to our daily lives...

I would like to thank my group members and I would really like to thank my Mum for asking me along for Alpha Course as if it wasn't for that first step I took, I wouldn't know the Lord this deep... Thank You All!!

Finally, I would like to thank the Lord for being eternally patient with me and always there for me wherever I am... THANK YOU LORD!!

Well, that's about it readers... My school holidays just started today, officially, and it'll be two weeks time from now till school reopens... As for Monday, I still have to go back to school for a make-up lesson, 2 hours, on C#... What a wonderful night to celebrate the start of the holidays... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Sunday, May 27, 2007

~~~~~GIVE THANKS!!~~~~~

This week wasn't the one of the best ones but I'm glad that it ended up with a bright sunshine... To those who know about my family matter, I thank you for your prayers, care and concern... Just to let you know, she's feeling much better but her leg is still aching... I really thank the Lord for laying His healing hands on her... Although she's still in this condition, just seeing the smile on her face is like your entire day of tiredness, stress and problems fades away...

Today was the day that finally I could actually ride with another stunt-biker, with me owning a stunt-bike too... Randy rode here, my house, and waited for me downstairs... He was giving me that look like, "Finally you got yourself a stunt-bike and it's nice."... Anyway, it's only my second time riding it and we rode to Downtown East NTUC Resort to play pool... It has been a very long time since we had seen the pool parlour with just few people in there... So nevertheless, we had a choice of tables to choose from... It was a fun game and this time, the score wasn't that bad... Although the last time we played was better for me as it was a very close match but for today, both of us were in form and gave it our all... The final score was 8 - 3... After that, we decided to go back home for our dinner... My Aunt was cooking dinner for my Grandparents so my Mum wanted me to go there for dinner... Thank You Aunt for the scrumptious dinner...

What a day to end off the week... It was great riding with you again Randy and playing pool with you... Well, it's time for me to head into my books again... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, May 11, 2007

~~~~~Out with the Old, In with the New~~~~~

Actually on Fridays I do not have to attend school but for today, it was needed... We had to go to school for our MS Excel Test and it was from 10:30am to 12:30pm...

After the test, I planned to go straight home as today was the day that I had been looking forward to this week but it had to be detoured... I was with Wei Ming, Jonathan Lee and Thong Poh and we were waiting for our bus 72 but then Wei Ming received a call from Ying Yi as she wanted help in carrying her laptop, which she just received this morning, as her arm was kind of injured... So we decided to go and help her out... We then waited for bus 72 again... Jonathan Lee didn't board the bus as he was waiting bus 45... We then reached Ying Yi's bus stop, and since we knew that her arm was in pain, we decided to carry it all the way to her house... It was a long journey but I was glad that we were much help to her as I guess she would be struggling if she was on her own... Anyway, after that, we decided to head to Hougang Mall to have our lunch... Thong Poh didn't join us as he had to meet his friends... After lunch, I took bus 72 with Wei Ming back to Tampines Interchange...

Finally; I could go and get my new bike... My Dad accompanied me to the bicycle shop nearby... We managed to trade in my old bike for 10 bucks... At least it's something right but anyway, I checked out the Haro bike there and it was way over my budget... It was 300 bucks... So in the end I bought a stunt bike, Leisure Neorider was its brand and it cost me half the price of the Haro bike... Thanks Dad for accompanying me... I just so love my new bike...

Well, that's about it... Now it's time for me to do some work... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

My Leisure Neorider

Saturday, May 05, 2007

~~~~~Busted =(~~~~

This afternoon, I went with my Mum to Alpha Course... The topic was on, "How to Resist Evil?"... It taught us that temptation isn't sin... The devil goes around poking ideas into our minds, making us feel guilty and making us to be ashamed to face God...

The devil make us doubt the doings of God... Why do people go around saying that when you become a Christian, you won't be able to have the fun you used to have?? God didn't set us those rules to make our lives miserable but instead, He's setting those rules to protect us... Imagine a scenario like for an example, the traffic rules... If there were none of those, drivers can just go around on a killing spree and the roads will be a death zone... God love us all... He love us so much that He sent down His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins...

After the video, I came back home to grab my bicycle to meet Randy... We cycled to Downtown East NTUC Resort to play none other than, pool... On the way there, my front brake snapped... Thank God I wasn't going at a fast speed or down a slope... We went to White Sands to get my front brake fixed... I was advised to get a new bicycle as one of these days, it's going to give way... So we continued on cycling till we arrived at our designation... It was an intense game throughout... The scores were close but in the end, the score was 5-4... Randy scored the 5... I feel that I improved more this time... After that, we cycled to Tampines Interchange to have our dinner at KFC... We then went to Starhub for a while to check out the handphones... Later on, we cycled back home...

What a day... Started off fully energised and now, worn out... I'm going to hit the sack now... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Back to school again... Anyway, today I had my Campus Crusade after school... Today was the Festival of Praise and there was no way I was going to miss such a great event...

Worship was great but what really added spice into the dish was the sermon... It was on laying your foundation, 1 Corinthians 3:10-23... If you're building on straw, wood or hay, they are perishable and temporal... Examples of them are, your riches, being in the "in-gang" or even ignoring the word of God... We shouldn't focus on building up in these things in our lives as when we're at our end days, we cannot take these up to Heaven thus, they're perishable and temporal...

What we should build our foundation on is gold, silver and precious stones... They're imperishable and eternal... Examples of them are the word and the promise of God... Now these are the important things in life... Why should you fear being left out or ashamed to face God?? He's always there right beside us but He's waiting patiently for us to acknowledge Him for He wants to have our own free will... We all have sinned, no doubt about it but we have to repent and seek for forgiveness from Jesus Christ for only then, we are free... Thank You Lord!!

Well, please take this back with you and remember it for this is the word of God... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

~~~~~SPIDERMAN 3!!!~~~~~

Yesterday I had school and today, it was a holiday again... Anyway, what really made this holiday, that I so looked forward to was, SPIDERMAN 3... Today was the official screening of SPIDERMAN 3...

I went with my Mum and Sis and we decided to catch the afternoon slot but in the end, we watched the evening slot as it was full house... So we went there in the afternoon not to watch the afternoon slot but to buy the tickets for the evening slot?? But it was a sure thing that today was going to be packed... So in the meantime, we went to eat our lunch and then we went to my Grandparents' place to buy their daily essentials...

Finally, evening came and we made our way to Golden Village in Tampines Mall... The movie was a BAM!, or should I say, WEBBAM!!? Anyway, the storyline was excellent and I never imagine that the new green goblin teaming with Spiderman to versus against Sandman and Venom... Spiderman looks CooL! with the black outfit... The ending was the best way to end the trilogy... To those who are and who aren't Spiderman fans, this is the best among the 3 since it's the last...

Well, that's about it I guess... I suddenly feel like playing Spiderman game... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Friday, April 27, 2007

~~~~~cLaSs BbQ!!~~~~~

It's been quite a while now since I last blogged... Well, I've been busy with school and stuffs... Anyway, being in Nanyang Polytechnic is a whole different environment to study... For 14 years of wearing school uniform, it felt weird wearing my home clothes to school but I guess I'm getting used to it... I'm glad that I went to ITE first as what I'm learning now, Engineering Informatics, is about the same as my Multimedia Technology course that I graduated from... Don't be fooled by the word, Engineering... It's not an Engineering course but it's an IT course... What we learn is the combination of Engineering and IT so it's like 2 in 1... So anyway, I'm one of the senior ones in my class as the rest of them are turning 18 this year and 3 of them are turning 17 this year... There are only like 6 or 7 of us, who are more senior than them...

I love my timetable as Friday I have no classes so, today they planned on having a barbeque at East Coast Park... It's been a very long time since I've been to East Coast Park and I mean it, a VERY LONG time... By the way, there's another Jonathan in my class but we have different surnames... So sometimes when somebody calls Jonathan, we'll both respond... Anyway, I went to meet up with Jonathan at Tampines MRT and then we waited for Aaron to fetch us as we were going with him to buy all the food and help to carry all the stuffs... Thank you Aaron's Dad and Mum for giving us the lift... We reached East Coast Park around 7pm and we decided to set up at 7:30pm... Let me summarise the entire barbeque... We had a great time chit-chatting and just bonding with each other... Most of them stayed overnight to cycle but some didn't, including me... So we left the place around 10pm and here I am now... I really enjoyed myself and I hope you guys and gals share the same joy as me... :)

Well, I guess most of you should know, this date and time isn't the exact time I blogged this but I feel that it's easier for you readers, and me, to read about the day itself... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, April 13, 2007

~~~~~Going Back~~~~~

Since today I was totally free, no plans with anyone, I decided to go back to Great Eastern to have lunch with them... I met up with Xiu Fen first and we waited for the rest of them to come down for lunch...

When they came down, guess what, they decided to pack their food and bring it up to the pantry to eat... Well, at least their buying their food from Banquet... So I decided to buy my favourite western fried rice... By the way, it was raining very heavily... I really missed eating with all of you...

We decided to leave when the rain stopped... Since it was still early, we decided to go to Parkway Parade... It's been 2 years since I went there, if I'm not wrong... Anyway, we went there to take a walk around and trust me, xf isn't a good tour guide... HaHaHa... Don't kill me... Later on, we went to an unknown building to me... I wanted to go there as there was a pool parlour there... It was quite cheap... $5.50 per hour... I only played for half an hour and she just sat there and watch... She said she was too "noob" to play but thanks for sitting there, accompanying me... Thank You... After that, we made our way home... I took bus 15 back to Tampines while she walked back home...

Well, after a long day outside, it's time for me to chill on my PS2... That's about it... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

~~~~~The Meet-Up!!~~~~~

What a day it was today... Cooling and a very nice weather to be sleeping in... But for me, that wasn't my plan at all...

In the afternoon, I had a lunch appointment with Lester and Jeremy... I decided to slack at the arcade, at EastPoint, while waiting for Jeremy to arrive and only then, we could call Lester out for lunch as he was working... We ate our favourite fast food, KFC!! It's finger-licking good... Anyway, after that, we walked around for a while and then Lester had to go back to work... Since it was still raining, Jeremy and I went to play pool there... Lester joined us for a few minutes then went back to work again... The rain had finally stopped and it was time for us to go back home... We went to bid farewell to Lester and we then made our way back to Tampines... By the way, the waffles near the MRT station are great and delicious and I recommend to all that it's worth trying...

Well, after a day of eating so much, I guess I need to exercise before hitting the sack for tonight... It's time to exercise... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


It's been a long time since we last jammed... I met up with my jamming mates at Raffles Place and we then made our way there... We jammed on the songs from Nirvana, Bullet For My Valentine, Yellowcard, Stone Sour and Greenday... We actually wanted to jam more than those songs but, we were late and by the time we set up everything, we only had about 1 hour plus to jam... Anyway, the outcome of it wasn't that great... I guess it's because we were out of practice and all... But still, it was fun and all as we enjoyed ourselves...

Later after that, George went back home while the rest of us went back to Tampines to have our dinner... We went to the arcade after dinner and we made our way home after that...

Well, I really enjoyed myself jamming with you all once again... Hope that we'll meet up again to jam one day... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Friday, April 06, 2007


THANK GOD IS GOOD FRIDAY!! This is the day that Jesus died for all of our sins and on the third day, He'll rise again... Praise be to God...

After this morning's sermon, I went with my family for lunch at the coffee shop near our church as I had to go back to church for an event... I was one of the station masters, in one of the games they planned, and I was stationed at Pasir Ris beach... It's been a very long time, too long, that I last seen the beauty of the sea... The feeling I felt being there was just amazing and thank God for the wonderful weather He blessed us with for the entire event... Well, it was my first time being a station master and I was glad that my partner was Ber as he's more senior and experienced... At the end of the day, all of us enjoyed ourselves, station masters and participants...

When we returned, we rested a while and it was dinner time... Some of the guys and I volunteered to serve the food to the rest... What a scrumptious dinner... I didn't stay back for the worship service after dinner as, I had to rush back home...

WOW!! It was such a wonderful day today... I really had the time of my life... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Thank God Is Good Friday

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

~~~~~Movie Time!!~~~~~

I was bored staying at home today so; I decided to have my lunch outside... I went to East Point as I thought that I could meet up with Lester for lunch but, it was already 2pm when I went there... So I decided to eat at Long John Silvers and gave him a call to check whether he was free to meet me and guess what, he was eating lunch with his colleagues... My timing just couldn't be more accurate...

After that, Jeremy asked me to check the timings for the movie, "Freedom Writers"... Lester, Jeremy and I planned to watch that for tonight but the timing wasn't on our side... The both of them could only make it at around 7pm and the final screening for the day was at 7:10pm... My guess was that both of them couldn't make it in time even if they rushed now so, we decided to watch Mr Bean's Holiday as there was a screening at 7:45pm and that was just nice for all of us...

Anyway, since I was there and had nothing else to do, I decided to watch "Freedom Writers" alone again... It was a very touching movie as it was about this teacher, Ms Erin Gruwell, who went beyond her job as a teacher to give her students a hope and their say in life... Can you imagine a teacher who took up another two extra, part-time, jobs just to pay for books for her students to read about and excursions?? In the beginning, they were the worst class of them all but at the end of it, they were completely transformed... In conclusion, this was a movie that involves all of us, especially in this stage of life as we struggling through everyday...

A few minutes after I came out of the theater, Jeremy called me saying that he was on his way... Later on, Lester called me saying that he was on the train... So I waited for them before I bought tickets for Mr Bean's Holiday... Finally they came and it was 7:40pm... Just in the nick of time... Well, in conclusion to Mr Bean's Holiday, it's hilarious and all but I guess there were only some parts of the scenes that I actually liked... One of the scenes were, when it was going to end, Bean manages to make his video diary of the trip (in which Sabine is frequently seen) appear on the film screen... If I have to choose between the two movies, I'll choose "Freedom Writers"...

Well, that's about what went on my entire day... It's getting late and I'm getting tired... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Freedom Writers Mr Bean's Holiday

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

~~~~~The Park!!~~~~~

Actually for today, I planned to go to the gym but in the end I didn't... Anyway, I woke up at 2pm... Since I'm not working anymore; I've been waking up in the afternoon and thus, not having my breakfast... So, I decided to order McDonald's for lunch... After lunch, I was too full to even think about going to the gym... I decided to wait a few hours for it to digest fully and to see whether I still had time to go... My guess was right, I had no time to go to the gym as it was already 6pm and I had to go to my Grandparents' place for dinner at 7pm... There was no time for gym so, I went to my Grandparents' place instead and decided to go for a run at Sunplaza Park... I realised my stamina has dropped tremendously...

Well, after a tired run today; I guess I'll hit the sack early for tonight... I guess I need to start building up my stamina instead of sleeping in... But for now... This JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

~~~~~April Fools!!~~~~~

To the kids, today must have been their best day as they could play pranks on others... To us, it's kind of childish and lame... Anyway, I went for YMPACT service this morning... After that, the small group members and I went for lunch, before we made our way for our last study on the book of Romans...

After the study session, I called Randy up to check whether he was already awake as we were going to play pool... He told me he was eating his lunch so; I went to Downtown East NTUC Resort first... I figured that if I went to play in the arcade again, like last time, it'll take quite a while as it's hard for me to stop playing... So I decided to book a pool table first and played by myself first... Randy came when I cleared the table... We played pool for 4 hours, making us the longest people who stayed there... We could have played longer but our stomachs were growling... So the end score was 11 - 4... By now, all of you should know who score is who's... We ate KFC for dinner and went back home after that...

Well, after such a great day of fun, it's time for me to relax and start playing my God of War 2... Finishing soon, I think... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Saturday, March 31, 2007

~~~~~Being sure of My Faith~~~~~

It was Alpha day again... Well, for now, my Saturdays are always spent in church... Anyway, for today's Alpha Course topic, it's about on how can I be sure of my faith??

The first is the word of God... We must not trust only our feelings which can be changeable and may even be deceptive at times but rely instead on God's promises... In Revelation 3:20 says: Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me... In Matthew 28:17-20 says: When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."... In John 10:28 says: I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand... Therefore, Faith is equals to taking God's promises and daring to believe them...

Second is the work of Jesus... We cannot earn God's forgiveness, but Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we might be reconciled to God... In John 3:16, it shows that God loves us and died to prove it... In Isaiah 53:6 and 2 Corinthians 5:21, it shows that He took our sins upon himself...

Third is the witness of the Spirit... When someone becomes a Christian, God's Holy Spirit comes to dwell within them... Romans 8:9 says: You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ... Firstly He transforms us from within, our characters
(Galatians 5:22, 23) and our relationships... Secondly, He brings a deep, personal conviction that I am God's child (Romans 8:15, 16)...

Well, that's my Saturday for all of you... Hope all of you enjoy and will find this inspirational while you're reading this... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Friday, March 30, 2007

~~~~~Let's go, CANADIAN!!~~~~~

I went back to Great Eastern, again... I went there for my farewell lunch but actually it wasn't only for me but also for XF who was leaving on that day too... Big thanks to all those who paid for our, Canadian pizza, farewell lunch... Thank you to Jeanette, Magdaline, Amanda, Yi Shan and Jocelyn...

In the evening, I finally went for my Bible Study session after so many weeks of absence... We studied on The Seven Seals and it was on the book of Revelation 6-7... It was interesting to know about the Four Horsemen as they represent God's mercy... Until today, they are given authority over only one-fourth of the earth...

Well, that's about it for today... Now it's time for God of War 2... I'm going to enjoy it... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

~~~~~The Visit!!~~~~~

It was the day that I decided to finally go catch the movies I wanted but before that, I wanted to go somewhere... In the early hours of noon, I had already left my house and was on my way to take the MRT... Where was I heading to?? Let me give you all a hint... I alighted at Raffles Place... Well, the answer is obvious... I went there to visit my Great Eastern colleagues... I wanted to give them a surprise but I arrived there at around 1:30pm and their lunch time was at 1pm... I went to look for them at the places where we would usually lunch out but they were nowhere to be found... My guess was that they bought back their lunch and ate in the GE's pantry... So, I decided to have my lunch at Banquet before going up to look for them... I really miss the western fried rice there... Later on, I went up to look for them... It was great to see all of them again...

Soon after that, I took the MRT back to Tampines to watch the movies at Century Square... It was 3:30pm at that time and I bought the ticket for "300" that was screening at 5:15pm... I couldn't possibly walk around for 2 hours so, I looked at the other movies that was screening earlier... Surprisingly, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was screening at 3:45pm... So I decided to watch TMNT since I know that it was going to end around the time "300" starts... Well, I still prefer the cartoon for TMNT as for this one, the turtles looked much thinner... The best part of the scenes I found that the animation and graphics were cool was when Leonardo had a duel with, his brother, Raphael... My rating for TMNT, out of 5 stars, I give it a 2 or 3... For "300", it was very bloody but the storyline was excellent... It showed how they fought as a team... Can you just imagine, going out to war and only having 300 soldiers with you and you're going against over 1 million soldiers?? People would say that's suicide but not for the King of Sparta, Leonidas... When King Leonidas knew that it was only a matter of time they would live, he sends back Dilios to tell the story of the 300 men to the Spartan people... At the end, King Leonidas and the 300 men died but this showed that the Persian army, who defeated a mere 300 Spartans a year earlier with great difficulty, would now be terrified to face 10,000 Spartans and 30,000 Greeks from the other city-states... This I would rate, out of 5 stars, a 5...

Well, after a long day at the movies, it's time for me to sit back, relax and enjoy a time on my Playstation2... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

TMNT & 300

TMNT & 300

Sunday, March 25, 2007

~~~~~Emo Sunday~~~~~

Yesterday, I went for the Alpha course in the afternoon... I guess my Saturdays will never be boring again... Going to church on Saturdays, instead of staying at home and doing nothing, it's more than a blessing from God... The topic was, "Why Jesus had to die?"... The main reason was; He died for all of our sins... Everyday, we sinned and the only one that will forgive you and me is Jesus Christ... John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Can you see what God is doing here?? He sent His Son to die for us... That's truly an unconditional love that none of us have but, that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to do so... Later that evening, I had W Cluster Bible Study session... It was another meaningful time of worship... The question that will leave all of us thinking was, "Why aren't we falling face down in the presence of God?" In Acts 9, it talks about Saul's Conversion... Acts 9:3-4 says: As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"... It shows the fear he had for God... Now ask yourself this, why isn't this happening in today's context??

Now, for the present... This morning, I went for YMPACT service... When I was worshipping after a while, I suddenly felt emotional and what came to mind was what I posted last week... After Holy Communion, I had no idea what I was going on with me... Anyway, thanks bestie for sitting beside me this morning... I'm glad to see that you're feeling better now... After that, I went with my family to have lunch at Tampines Mall Kopitiam... Since it was still very early, we decided to go to the newly opened Giant and on the way; we'll take a look around at Courts Megastore... While we were at Giant, it was so packed that we had to mosh through to walk around... We left after a few minutes of walking around as even if we wanted to buy anything, the queue was like so freaking long... So we made our way to Courts Megastore... I didn't explore much but what caught my attention was the game corner... They were advertising on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PSP and others... I was so keen to get my hands on the Playstation 3 and finally, it was mine... I sat there playing Gundam for half an hour and the graphics was so clear and real... I can't wait when Metal Gear Solid 4 releases... We made our way home after that...

At the moment, I'm not in the right mood to do anything so I'm just going to end here for now...

Well, I'm going to play Pro Evolution Soccer 6 now... I'm playing fixture 20 at the moment under the league corner... So that's about it... But for now... This is JoNaThAn...
signing out*...

Friday, March 23, 2007


It's difficult for me to describe the feelings I'm feeling now but, what I can say is that, this week would be known to be one of the most memorable ones I'll ever have...

Let me start off with last Sunday... I was completely well enough to go to church that morning... After that we had Bible Study session on the book of Romans... It was a self-reflection topic as from what I had been through the whole week, I really needed that... After that, I got separated with my small group members and when I messaged my bestie, they were already on the bus... I had been ditched... Hey you all, no worries alright... I actually had other plans in mind too... So I called Randy and asked him whether he was free to play pool and guess what, that was a wake up call for him and it was already 12pm... Anyway, I made my way to Downtown East NTUC Resort first and since he was still on his way, I decided to play soccer at the arcade... I guess the only game I like playing there is soccer... Randy came at around 2pm and I was still playing the game... So he decided to play King of Fighter... Soon after that, we finally went to play pool... What a rare sight it was as I won Randy at the very first game... Was it by luck?? Maybe it was but I really missed playing pool with him as the last time was before CNY... The final score was 10 - 4 and I guess you all should know who scored more than the other... It was already evening when we left so; we went to Mr Prata to have our dinner... We made our way home later on... Thanks Randy for coming... I appreciate it dude... =)

Well, starting Monday, it was going to be my last week in Great Eastern... A new temporary stuff, female and my age, came to join the company... She's the friend of my colleague...

On Tuesday, during lunch time, I went with my colleagues to buy stuffs at Cold Storage and beside it, there was a Christian shop called "Acts Lifestyle"... So I decided to look around and I saw that they were having an offer on some of their CDs... It was, buy 2 and get 1 free... Then, I noticed that Planetshakers had that offer so I decided to get 3 of their albums... I only paid 44 bucks and it was worth every cent of it...

Now for Wednesday, there was another temporary stuff joining us again... Guess what, it's another female temporary stuff... So there are 6 female temporary staffs in total...

Yesterday, I had lunch with my Sis as a farewell treat... She wanted to pay for all but I refused and paid half of it... By the way, we dined at SPIZZA... I recommend all of you to try and like what Michelangelo would say, IT'S AWESOME!!

Let's get back to the present... Today was my last day at Great Eastern... I had no idea what was going through my mind... I felt happy but sad at the same time... I had no control of what I was feeling at all... One moment I was laughing and the next, I was emotional... Well, I guess I'm really going to miss all of you there... It was enjoyable and entertaining having lunch with all of you... Thank You and Take Care... I may drop by to have lunch with you all one of these days so, keep a lookout...

That's going to be it readers... I can't go on further or else I'll be sitting here and shedding tears... But for now... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...

Great Eastern
Magdaline and Me

Great Eastern
Xiu Fen and Me

Great Eastern
Jeanette and Me

Great Eastern
Zainab, Me, Nancy(supervisor)

Great Eastern
Me and Yi Shan

Great Eastern
Jocelyn and Me