~~~~~PROJECTS OVER!!~~~~~
Finally, the day of intense stress and all the hard work had really paid off... Today was the last day of all my presentations and it was a C#, programming, presentation... Actually, it wasn't exactly a presentation... It was more like a personal interview...
My group mate and I had to program on an airline company... How it works and how to book a flight etc... After 6 weeks or more, the day had finally come... We checked through our whole entire program this afternoon before we presented it to our tutor... Just as when the tutor was going through our program, we could feel the stress running through our veins... We were then asked to modify it to his requirements and if we couldn't do it, marks will be deducted as we were supposed to know the program inside out... I then tried and tried to work out his requirements but somehow and someway, there were always some hidden errors somewhere... The program could run but it was not supposed to be modified in that manner... After trying to understand what his requirements were carefully, I realised that I was doing it the hard way but what he wanted was the easy way...
So I tried a few more times and was confident that I met his requirements and presented it to him... After he went through my program, he said good and I could leave... I was surprised to be the first one out but I am now glad it's all over...
Innovation Project, Fundamentals of Networking Project, Manufacturing Processes Project and last but not least, C# Project... Not forgetting all the tests that we all had to juggle alongside with our projects... All that has finally come to an end and what's left are two exam papers...
To all my classmates and to all poly students who has no more projects, this is a weekend that can finally be a relaxing one... Do enjoy it... This is JoNaThAn... signing out*...
Me and my blazer
Me and my blazer
The void-deck
Me and my blazer
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